Please, Sir

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His name is Frank Iero and he doesnt want to be alive any longer. As a young boy, Frank was left to be whoever he wanted to be, not because his parents encouraged him to be, but because they simply didnt care. His parents were not bad parents, they fed him and gave him clothes and toys, but they never understood him. You see, Frank was different. Frank was dolent, even at his happiest. The young child he once was never smiled or laughed, though he enjoyed music and comic books. Never in their lives had any of the psychologists who saw him, never in their damn lives had they met such a dolent child. Now, dont think this wasnt for no reason, there is always a reason, even if it is subconcious. Frank Anthony Iero was this way because his mind was full of self depricating thoughts. Even when he was an infant Frank was this way. His mind had developed completely by the time he was 5, despite not even knowing how to do math yet, and he was completely self aware.

"Please sir, hes only 5, please dont take my son away from me." Was something young Frank had heard his mother say to someone who he now knew to be an experimental scientist. Nobody knew why his mind had the common sense and maturity of a fully grown adult by the time he was 5, but it had, and unfortunately, you can not change the way someones mind works.

Sure, his maturity and self awareness came in extremely useful at times, but it also affected him in ways no child should have to be affected. Frank was 7 when he was first teased for his intelligence. The children thought he was odd for knowing Univeristy math and Literature at such an age, so they teased him for it. No matter someones intelligence or looks, race or age, sexuality or religion, Frank believed no one should be picked on. Despite his struggles, Frank has always been a kind person, even to those who hurt him.

Frank only had one friend, his name was Raymond Toro. Ray lived opposite Frank and had realised he was being bullied, so he had offered to teach 9 year old Frank to play the guitar. They bonded greatly over their love of music and comic books. To this day, Ray is Franks only friend and Frank is Rays only friend. Their duo made them both feel like they could rule the world some day. Both Frank and Ray could trust and find comfort in one another, real best friends.

Only soon, some new people will enter their lives.

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