Part 1 - Introduction

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Your name is Ashley Baker; you're going into your fifth year at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You come from a family of purebloods; your father's side of the family have been consistently in Slytherin for hundreds of generations in contrast to your mothers' side who were mainly all Ravenclaws. You often feel out of place at home with your two elder brothers being Slytherin's and your younger brother a Ravenclaw, the only family member you can relate to is your great nan as she too was a Gryffindor. You're really close with the golden trio but your best friends are mainly Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas and Fred and George Weasley. You usually don't get on well with girls as most of them are jealous of the attention that you get due to your beauty, however, it is not totally one sided as you aren't the best at socializing with girls anyways, being brought up in a predominantly male household.

You are exceptionally bright and if you tried you could be the top of the class, but your addiction to being a troublemaker and a chatter box are far superior to your desire to excel. Naturally you are gifted at charms and defense against the dark arts, you are aware that you have the potential to be a very power witch but are not yet aware of how to fully enhance your powers. Being raised in a family of brothers has also had its perks as it has made you increasingly resilient and competitive which is a trait you harness on the quidditch field as you play the position of chaser. 

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