Chapter five : Umbridge

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After breakfast you all made your way to defence against the dark arts, Hermione was quizzing everyone on their assumptions of the new teacher and what we would be studying this year, but most people were ignoring her and talking about the Slytherin's and who could've possibly pranked them.

"Honestly Hermione, I really don't care" you overheard Ron saying as he stomped up the stairs trying to get away from her.

"You're so foolish Ron, you can't seriously care more about that stupid prank than your education and curriculum. Isn't that right harry?" she replied glancing over in his direction. Unsurprisingly harry just shrugged which only angered Hermione even more. She turned back to look at you, "Ash, please tell me you're not as overwhelmed by the stupid prank you've forgotten about your education like these two dimwits"

"No, I definitely am not, I care very much about my education Hermione" I replied confidently speeding up to walk besides Ron. "besides" I whispered in his ear "I already knew exactly what was going to happen", I winked at him and then dropped back to walk with Seamus again as Ron's mouth opened in guffaw.

"Hermione you must've heard that, she's bloody brilliant that Ash is" he moaned at her, not wanting to be the only one she was angry at. Hermione refused to acknowledge him and held her head high, continuing to walk. "but Hermione!!!! Its her prank" he continued on.

She turned around and smacked him right across the back of the head "oh don't be such a child Ronald" she said sternly before carrying on walking. Harry turned around to look at you and you gave him a smile, which he returned happily.

You all walked into the class and you sat down besides Hermione, adjacent to Harry and Ron. Umbridge walked in and started lecturing you about how you would be studying for your OWLS, it was the first day of term for god's sake could she not have just waited, like is it really necessary to be talking this much about exams so early in term? Umbridge swished her wand and the books began to hand themselves out. You looked down perplexed, it was a book you read in year 1. You looked over at Hermione who's face also reflected your confusion.

Hermione raised her hand "There's nothing in here about using defensive spells" she said in an inquisitive tone.

"Using spells?" Umbridge replied with a light giggle that was already beginning to annoy you, "well I can't imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom". You raised an eyebrow and looked over at Harry and Ron.

"Were not going to be using magic" Ron asked, trying to consolidate what Umbridge's point was. How could we be expected to learn magic without magic, it just made no sense.

"Yes, you are correct Mr Weasley, we shall be learning about magic in a secure, risk free way" Umbridge replied, her voice growing more and more high and annoying.

You looked over to Harry who seemed to be becoming irritated too. "Well what use is that if were going to be attacked, how is that risk free" Harry questioned, his tone clearly reflecting his feelings.

Umbridge's face turned a deep crimson, she was becoming angry, but nobody seemed to care. All her daft ministry policies made no sense. "Students will raise their hands when they have a question in my class Potter!" she screeched at an inaudible pitch. She then turned her back to the class for a moment, as if to compose herself. Once again you glanced over at Harry and Ron and pointed your finger at your temple putting it in circular motions whilst mouthing 'coocoo'. "It is the view of the minister that a theoretical knowledge would be far more appropriate to determine your success in examinations, which after all, are what learning and school is about" she stated whilst smoothing down her stupidly bright pink dress.

"And how's theory supposed to prepare us for what's out there?" Harry questions, he had begun to move his arms viciously as he spoke now, he was very clearly getting annoyed.

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