Chapter three : Draco Malfoy

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He sat there twiddling the string of the lamp not making eye contact. You were frozen, partially mesmerised by the movement of his pale hands but mostly because you knew you'd been caught. "Well" he spoke in a mysterious tone, "are you going to sit down?". You looked down embarrassed and started fumbling with the hem of your skirt. 'What on earth are you doing Ashley it's only Draco what's the big deal' the voice in your head said. You were used to talking to boys all the time, what was the difference with Draco ? He was a dickhead anyways who cares what he thinks? In fact since when did you care what anyone thought?

You were met by his crystal blue eyes, they pierced straight through you leaving shivers running down you spine. You took a seat on the arm of his chair. "So" he said removing his hand from the lamp and placing it on your thigh. His touch wasn't as cold as you expected it to be, it was almost nice. "What are we going to do about you hey" he questioned whilst drawing circles and swirls on your leg.
"I don't quite know what you mean Malfoy" you said confidently raising your head up, you couldn't let him know how he was making you feel.
"Well it would seem you and your mudblood friends have broken the rules darling" he replied "and that's so very naughty of you". As he said so he dug his hand into your leg harder and you felt his cold rings indenting in your skin. You didn't quite know what to say so you just nodded in agreement and kept your head down. He made you nervous, you felt inferior and were constantly catching your breath around him. Draco placed his other hand up to your face and carefully moved a blonde strand away from your face "now I suggest, unless of course you want my father to hear about this, you do what I say from now on. Does that sound good?" he whispered in your ear, his cool breathe lingering on your face. Once again you just nodded in silence. "Good girl" he smiled placing a kiss on your cheek before getting up and walking out the room.

You practically sprinted all the way back to the Gryffindor common room. Your face was a dark red, your hands clammy and you hair was plastered against your forehead. After you'd walked through the portrait you practically slammed it shut and pressed your back against it, slowly sliding down towards the floor. "What the bloody hell happened to you" a voice called out making you shoot up to your feet in shock. It was Fred he had waited up to see you got back alright. "Oh nothing, just ran away from filch" you lied wiping the sweat off your forehead with the back of your hand. "I better be off to bed now. Quidditch starts tomorrow morning after all, wouldn't want to be tired" you said running upstairs to the girls dorm.

You threw yourself on your bed with such an almighty force you were surprised no one woke up. Spreading yourself out under the covers you shut your eyes, trying not to think of him, but you couldn't help it. Your hand moved it's way down to your leg, where his had once been and you feel asleep mimicking his patterns and swirls.

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