Chapter two : The Prank

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The feast droned on and on as it did every year. Although it was amazing to see all your friends and finally be back in the great hall, the novelty of it all had slightly worn off, besides, you had something else on your mind. The prank. You, the twins, Seamus and Dean kept giving each other looks, all itching in your seats to get up and start. Hermione gave you a stern look and raised her eyebrows at you "what are you guys planning Ash?" She asked inquisitively. Only Hermione would have realised you guys were up to something but now she had voiced it seemed the rest of the tables attention was drawn into you. "Oh nothing" you replied, trying to sound as innocent as possible "just itching to break that new teacher in, she looks like a right stuck up git don't you think?". This made Ron choke on his chicken leg with laughter and the twins gave you an excited look. It was partly true, a new teacher was always fun, but you had a sickly feeling about her. She was from the ministry of magic and had some stupid name, something that started with Um, you couldn't really remember so she would just be called pinkie to you.

The feast finally finished and so you lept out of your seat and sprinted to the Gryffindor common room. Once inside you ran up the stairs to your room and slammed the door, opening your suitcase you pushed the clothes aside until you found what you were looking for, a small, dark green box with a serpent on the lid. It had been your dads when he was at school but he didn't know you had taken it. It was your key into the Slytherin common room.

Once it reached 10 and everyone was in their dorms because of curfew you snuck down the stairs and sat infront of the fire in the common room. Shortly after you were joined by the twins "where's Seamus and Dean? They're late." You whispered at them. "We dunno there's all kinds of racket coming from their dorm, I guess they are waiting for a chance to sneak out without Harry, Ron and Neville seeing" Fred replied. "Oh cool is this the box? It's epic" George added picking it up and holding it to the light of the fire. He lifted up the lid which had etched on the bottom of it the passageways which were marked with faint black dots. "Wicked" both the twins said in sync. The plan was simple, the mauraders map had allowed you to locate the slytherin common room, but you had no way in as you didn't know the password, however, your dads box showed a secret passage that could be used to come out in the slytherin common room, the only issue was it had many hidden obstacles, but luckily the box had marked where they were hidden. Seamus and Dean finally joined you guys and you snuck off down the corridor together.

Once you reached the enterance to the secret passageway you spoke in parceltongue "siaaaa hatthhaa" you whispered which led it to open. "How can you do that" Seamus asked inquisitively. "Ohhh ummm I well... I just heard Harry say it once, you know in dueling club" you replied. This however wasn't the truth, but you knew if you let your friends know the extent of your slytherin herritage they wouldn't trust you the same way. "Lumos" Fred and George said in sync, lighting both their wands, Fred walked at the front whilst George used his to look at the lid of the box. "Next left Freddie but watch out for the trap" George said, Fred nodded in agreement and turned the corner. "Lumos maxima" you spoke clearly lighting up the whole corridor. "I don't see anything" Fred said walking forwards. "Fred, don't move" you replied glancing over his shoulder, Fred had triggered one of the traps and behind him was now a black serpent, it slithered its way along the floor and towards Fred. You crouched down and pointed your wand directly at it, you knew you had to hit it right or you would get Fred, "reducto" you shouted whilst swishing your wand. The spell went right between Fred's legs and hit the snake directly in the face. "Bloody hell" Fred sighed in relief.

The next few traps you encountered you were very cautious of and looked carefully for trip wires and other things that might set them off. After about an hour and only setting off one other trap, which was completely Seamus's fault for trying to blast a mouse for no apparent reason, you arrived at a large black door. "This must be it guys" you whispered, "dim your wands and move forward with you caution" you added whilst stopping your Lumos spell. "Alohamora". The door flung open and you all crept in.

The Slytherin common room was a dark green with black features. It felt cold and unwelcoming, nothing like the Gryffindor common room. The fire that burnt in the corner was a paleish green and it's flames danced across the room reflecting off of everything. After one quick sweep of the room you decided to set up the prank. "Guys I think the portrait is over this way" you whispered beckoning them all towards the fire and up some stairs. "Right Ash, Seamus and Dean you set up the right hand side with the dung bombs and the muggle silly string my dad gave us and me and Freddie will do the flour bombs" George whispered. You all nodded your heads in agreement and began to set up. There was something eerie about the Slytherin common room, you couldn't quite put your finger on it, but it felt almost as if you were being watched.

You guys finished the prank and Seamus got out his wand "fancy a test?" He said enthusiastically.
"Yes but not by you" Dean replied taking out his wand and waving it at the trip wire.
"Yup that definitely works" you replied chuckling, the Slytherin's were going to be so mad. You all began heading back to the door when you felt that uneasy feeling once more. "You guys go ahead, I'll catch up, I just want to get something from my brother" you said. They all turned around to look at you, George's face was slightly concerned but they all nodded and carried on. Once they were gone you called out "where are you then?" in a clear and confident tone. A lamp flicked on and there sat Draco Malfoy.

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