Chapter seven : The match

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You still hadn't spoken to Seamus even though it had been almost a week. The twins had come and seen you the day after the incident and even Dean had turned up at your room once or twice. But still no Seamus, you never even saw him at mealtimes, it was as if he disappeared. You walked into potions and shuffled down into the seat next to Hermione.

"Hi Ashley, how's it going?" She asked you, with a sympathetic look on her face, she was aware of what happened with Umbridge as she saw Harry's mark and ever since had become sickly nice to you. You didn't mind though; it was nice to know someone cared about you.

"Meh, pretty much the same as always, have you seen him yet today?" You replied. She shook her head and let out a sigh. Hermione had promised she would try speak to Seamus for you but it was so god damn difficult now that he was never here. "He should be here, in this class" you added looking around the classroom trying to spot him.

"Well, I think we would know if he was" Laughed Ron whilst using his hands to signal an explosion. You laughed a bit but Hermione did not find it amusing and punched him in the arm. "Ouch Hermione that bloody hurt" Ron whimpered rubbing his bicep where she had hit him. Although it had been tough not having Seamus you were glad you had such great friends like Harry, Hermione and Ron to cheer you up.

Snape swooped into the classroom and slammed his books down on his desk. "Page 394, I want you to read, write and answer the questions, those who finish early may begin their homework which is to write up a list of ingredients and the method for creating Amortentia". Sighs and moans erupted from all around the classroom.

"But professor, its quidditch tonight." Harry moaned. You had almost forgotten about the fact that you had a match today, and it wasnt just any match, it was against Slytherin. Snape was totally unreasonable to set homework considering this, but of course he would let anyone on the Slytherin team off.

"Then I suggest, Mr Potter, you finish the tasks fast" Snape snapped at him. "No more questions. I do not want to hear a word from anyone" he spoke outwards towards the classroom whilst walking around the back of his desk and taking a seat.

About fifteen minutes in you were absolutely dying of boredom and so you decided to pass Ron a note. 'This is so bloody boring and I am hungry, do you have any snacks?' you wrote before sliding it down the table to Ron. Ron read the note and then reached into his robe pocket producing a chocolate bar.

"Who is rustling? I can hear eating? Someone better not be eating in my class!" Snape yelled marching up and down each bench. You quickly chucked the bar back to Ron who put it in his robe. Phew. That was a close one, Snape seemed to be particularly irritable today. After a while he gave up and sat back down at his desk, his long nose hovering over the top of his book. You glanced up at Ron who held his book up to his nose mimicking Snape. Unable to contain your laughter you let out a snort.

"Miss Baker care to share with the class what is so funny?" Snape snapped at you gliding over to your desk.

"Oh, I would Sir but I really don't think that's wise" You replied whilst animatedly flipping through your potions book.

"And whys that Baker?" Snape asked. He had now arrived at your desk and was in the process of crossing his arms. You already knew you were in trouble.

"Well, I don't think you could handle that level of humour, considering its you and all, just wouldn't have the same effect" You cheekily replied, everyone in the class was now staring at you both. A couple of people had begun to chuckle which just made Snape's face turn even more red.

"What do you mean, considering its me, Baker? You know I can handle humour. You know what I think would be awfully funny, you joining me in detention after school" He said in a snarky tone.

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