Chapter one: Back to Hogwarts

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No matter how many times you do it nothing can prepare for the beauty your eyes are installed with when glancing at the Hogwarts express. Scarlet red light fills up the whole station, reflecting off of every single surface. It makes you feel warm and loved, it means you're going home. You ran down the platform looking for your friends, one hand lightly brushing the smooth side of the carriages, the other carrying your cat Violet. 

Suddenly you hear a loud bang and see massive cloud of black smoke ahead of you, you feel a massive weight lift off your shoulders and your face erupts with happiness. You run against the people the current of people towards where the smoke is until you finally bump into the twins and Seamus. They fling their arms around you embracing you in a massive group hug "Something told me the chaos was due to you three" you beam up at them.

"Really?" Fred and George said in sync, "Us? Exploding things? Never Baker" Seamus retorts with a grin on his face. You all bound onto the train but you leave the others to try find Hermione, you've got a lot closer over summer as you have been writing to each other, mainly about school.

You finally find her carriage and walk in "Hey Hermione" you smile taking a seat next to her.

 "Ashley? Wow you look so different I love what you've done with your hair?" Hermione replied. You had almost forgotten you looked different from what you did last year, you'd grown you hair out and washed out the red dye that had previously occupied it to let it return to its natural sun kissed blonde, of course that was nothing Fred or George would've noticed though, you're usually too busy plotting your next prank. 

"Ha-ha thanks, you look just as lovely" You respond turning in the direction of Ron and Harry, who's face instantly becomes flushed so that he is almost as red as the train. "How was your summer?" you question them. Ron gives you a detailed account of his de-gnoming of the garden and quidditch with his brothers whilst Harry sits there silently staring at his hands with the occasional nod.

After an hour you decide to go back to your carriage to talk with Fred, George, Seamus and Dean about your first prank of the year, it had to be brilliant. "starting the year off with a bang" George had described it as in his letter to you four days prior. On your way down the corridor you bumped into one of your older brothers Jackson, he was accompanied by Pansy Parkinson and Draco Malfoy.

 "Aren't you a bit old to be playing with daddy's little boy and pug-face Jackson?" You teased him, lightly punching his shoulder.

 "Oh, shut up Ash" Jackson retorted.

 "Ooo not very friendly today, are we?" You joked, you then turned your attention to Pansy who was glaring at you so you glanced her up and down with a disgusted look on your face.

 She turned to Draco putting her arm around his "come on Draco lets go" she was almost begging looking up at him it was actually pretty funny. You scoffed at her stupidity and barged past them but not before winking at Draco seductively just to wind up Pansy. His face went bright red with embarrassment which made Pansy infuriated, it was a funny sight to see.

 You closed the carriage door behind you before erupting with laughter, the boys all stared at you perplexed but you couldn't find the breath to explain you were too deep in your own hysterics.

When you finally arrived at Hogwarts you had successfully planned your back to school prank with the boys. Fred has cunningly come up with a spell that could hide the plan so that no one could read the parchment other than you guys.

 You all walked out of the carriage exceptionally pleased with yourselves, this would be your biggest prank yet and you couldn't wait to pull it off, tonight! There was no room left on the carriage with Seamus, Dean, Fred and George so you decided to sit with the golden trio.

 "Hey guys, do you mind? Everywhere else is full?" you smiled at them. Harry vigorously shook his head and opened his mouth as if he was about to say something.

 "No... not at all" A soft voice said. You turned to see a girl you'd never met before, she seemed pretty but not in an obvious way, she also seemed very wise, although she was wearing Ravenclaw robes which kind of gave it away.

 "Thanks, what's your name" you questioned her sticking out a hand to shake. 

"Luna, Luna Lovegood" she replied "I know who you are though, your brothers Lucas isn't he?". Lucas was your youngest brother; he too was a Ravenclaw. 

"Yes, he is, why do you know him?" You asked.

 "Well, that depends on what you class as knowing, no one can ever truly know another otherwise we'd all be each other" Luna said whilst adjusting her glasses. You sat there perplexed for a moment taking in what she had just said. Not knowing what to reply you just nodded and spent the rest of the carriage ride in dead silence.  

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