first meeting~ rayXreggie brotp

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it was the day after the band had played the orpheum when flynn walked into the studio, seeing julie surrounded by the three guys of the band. she saw the instruments on the opposite side of the room as her jaw went slack. julie turned to look at her best friend smiling.

"hey flynn! the guys are here right now." julie waved her over to sit as reggie actually waved at flynn.

"yeah i know they're here..."

"of course, we're always here," luke smiled nudging julie's arm as she rolled her eyes.

"luke said-"

"yeah i heard him, and saw him... i can see them..."

"she can- you can see us?" alex asked, wide eyed.

"yeah, i can see you. which means... julie your dad could see them if he came in here!"

the entire band turned to julie, who'd been sitting in the middle of them, with terrified expressions. how were they going to explain the four holograms in julie's band suddenly showing up in the studio one day, unannounced?


about a week later julie and the guys had come up with a plan to explain to julie's dad the fact that the boys were actually a ghost band. they'd gotten carlos to agree to help with the plan, considering he'd know about the band being ghosts for just over a week.
thursday after school, julie walked in the house to her dad making food of some kind, which she half ignored and sat at the kitchen island. it was a bit surprising for reggie to not be in the kitchen with ray, but all the guys had been avoiding the house when julie was home with her family.
of course they had her schedule ingrained in their minds from following her around school for hours and julie had given them her first ever phone so she could text the guys that she was in the driveway and that anyone in the house should get out right away.
julie smiled to herself thinking about when she first taught the ghosts to use a cellphone and how luke didn't just have terrible hand writing, but also terrible typing.

"what're you smiling about jules?"

"oh just thinking about the guys. uh actually i wanted to tell you something... about the guys."

"sure sweetie!" ray smiled and then his excitement dropped to anxiety, "don't tell me the band broke up."

"no," julie started giggling, "no not at all."
her father nodded and julie waived him to sit beside her.

"ok so... so luke, reggie, and alex."

"the guitarist, bassist, and drummer in that same order?"

"yes. the three of them were in a band in 1995 called sunset curve. they died from eating bad hotdogs just a few hours before playing the orpheum. when i played sunset curve's demo cd a few weeks ago they appeared in mom's studio from a dark room they'd been in for the past 25 years. i know this all sounds crazy but i have proof." julie started to reach for her phone and her dad stopped her.

"julie, i've known since you played the party we had here. your mom was the biggest fan of sunset curve. she worked at the orpheum in 1995, thats where we first met, the night sunset curve was supposed to play. at first i didn't believe it but after i saw you play with the guys here i knew it was them. i didn't know how it was them, but i knew you'd tell me on your own time when you were ready."

"oh..." julie half whispered and then smiled, pulling her dad into a tight hug. "the guys really want to meet you...?especially reggie." ray gave his daughter a questioning look and julie laughed, "reggie is in here almost all day everyday. he kinda thinks if you as his own dad."

"that's... that makes a lot of sense actually. i'm sad to know the presence i'm feeling isn't your mom, but at least i know i'm not crazy," ray laughed. the two talked for a little while longer before ray said he was ready to meet the guys. julie smiled and texted the guys, who poofed into the kitchen, standing on the opposite side of the island to where julie and her dad were.

reggie smiled brightly and waved, receiving a small wave back from ray. reggie turned to luke in shock, who just flung his arm over reggie's shoulder and laughed.

"dad, this is alex, reggie, and luke," julie said motioning to each of the guys, "guys, this is my dad ray."

"it's nice to meet you mr molina. julie told us you've known about us for awhile, so thank you for not kicking us out."

"of course alex, you guys brought music back into my daughter's life, i could never be upset with you for that. and please, all three of you can just call me ray."

"hi ray! julie probably told you that i uh... sit in here and talk to you all the time," reggie was a bit awkward in his response, knowing his usual no julie activities were probably a bit weird for julie's dad to hear.

"she told me you sit in here, but not that you talk to me. maybe we should figure out a system or something so we can all talk to each other when julie isn't here."

"that's a good idea mr molina." ray gave luke a sideways glance and luke stuttered out the correction of "sorry... ray."

(A/N: 920 words
hey fantoms! thank you guys so much for over 500 views in like... a week. dont forget to vote and comment and stuff cos those comments are what kinda keep me going. i have a bunch of oneshots planned but if you have any ideas send them to me in the comments or my wattpad dms!)

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