you dork ~ juke fluff

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[A/N thank you @StaceyStonier for the request! also, guess who's back! i've been having a rough week so i've been reading more than writing but i finally finished writing this

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[A/N thank you @StaceyStonier for the request! also, guess who's back! i've been having a rough week so i've been reading more than writing but i finally finished writing this. i'm not taking requests atm cos i have so many others to get through, but i'll let you know when i am!]

hurt comfort
human! sunset curve
human! willie (probably won't be mentioned but so you're aware)
1362 words

julie was used to her three idiot best friends and bandmates not listening to her. when they'd started the band the year before julie immediately knew the boys- at that point 16- would be hard to keep in check.
julie was younger than the three of them by about 2 years but was essentially the mom of the group so when luke was acting off at school julie knew something was up.

julie had yet to bother luke about what was wrong that day, knowing she wouldn't get a direct answer anyway, and decided to confront him at band practice.
when she walked into the studio she noticed luke taking up the entire couch, but still somewhat sitting up. the guitarist had his palm pressed between his eyebrows and his face was scrunched up.

"luke?" julie half whispered, "are you ok?"

luke left out a hum and then sighed, his hand leaving his face as he sat up and faced julie, "yeah... yeah i'm fine."

"you don't look fine," julie frowned and approached luke slowly.

"oh thanks jules, real sweet of you," luke let out a sarcastic groan as julie sat next to him on the edge of the coffee table.

"you know what i mean you dork," she punched his shoulder lightly, "come on, tell me what's wrong."

luke looked at her for a second, gauging how long he could keep lying to her about feeling sick. he ended up deciding he wasn't going to be able to lie if she was sitting right there asking.

"i uh... well i have a migraine, and i'm tired, and i uh," luke was cut off by his own coughing and julie moved closer to him, placing the back of her hand on his forehead.

"you have a fever luke," she gave him a sad smile and held out her hand, "come on let's get you upstairs."

luke grabbed the singer's hand as she helped pull the guitarist up and led him into the house. ray and carlos weren't home yet, julie's brother being at school and her father at a photoshoot until later that evening, so julie led luke right up to her room.

"oh so what are we doing in your room miss molina?" luke wiggled his eyebrows slightly as he sat on julie's bed, "what happened to boundaries?" he joked, remembering the countless times he and his bandmates would walk into julie's room when they first became a band.

"nice to know you're feeling good enough to make jokes patterson," julie laughed and shook her head. "and you're in my room because i refuse to let you go through rehearsal sick. get comfy, i'm gonna call your parents and tell them you're here." julie left the room with a soft smile as luke frowned at the now closed door.

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