JULIE! ~ sunset curve chaos

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the band had just poofed out of the auditorium after performing bright in front of the entire student body. at first the boys at gone around the corner and to a set of doors furthest from the turn.

"guys... guys... we should get in like a pyramid or something!" reggie suggested, beckoning the guys to join him. luke immediately was at reggie's side agreeing that it was a great idea, and alex just sighed and rolled his eyes.
the three spent at least 3 minutes trying to decide who would be on the top of the pyramid.  after they'd decided reggie and alex would hold luke up, the group realized that they were definitely too far away from where julie would walk over and moved.

reggie and alex tried to help luke up which ended with the three of them in a dog pile laughing. after what felt like 10 minutes of attempts (featuring quotes like "luke thats my face!" from alex, "reggie hold still!" from luke, and "alex if you so much as breathe too heavily we're gonna fall on our asses again" from reggie) the three were finally in a stable position. of course alex did end up breathing too heavily and luke fell, not before reggie and alex could catch either of his arms and hoist him back to standing.
"alright let's try that again..." luke laughed and was helped back on his friend's thighs while the other boys held onto his shins.

reggie shushed him bandmates when he heard the squeaking of sneakers... "3...2...1" he mouthed and then suddenly


266 Words. this is really short but i wanted to write something short and chaotic. special thanks to jort for mentioning this scene while watching jatp for the first time and inspiring this.)

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