sick day ~willex fluff

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alex, reggie, and luke hadn't been sick since they all ate bad street dogs the night of, what was supposed to be, their big break. of course that was 25 years ago and now the three musicians were ghosts, so when alex was suddenly feeling woozy his three bandmates were instantly worried.

"luke-" alex half slurred, "i'm totally fine, just a little tired s'all." alex rubbed his eyes with one hand while his other arm was being latched onto by the guitarist, who was half dragging him back to the studio.

"alex, you're doing the thing where you deny the fact that you have a fever because you want to go see your boyfriend. i would know," luke sighed as he helped alex onto the couch.

"but luuuuuuke-" alex whined, completely aware of the fact that the guitarist was correct and speaking from experience.

"aleeeeex, you need to lay down and get some rest. you have a fever and i have zero clue how you got one considering you're a ghost."

"musician spirit, actually," alex pointed at luke matter of factly and then flopped onto the couch.

luke just sighed and carded his fingers through his hair, "just get some sleep. reggie went to find willie. hopefully he knows what's happening and he'll stay and look after you. reggie and i did that plenty over the years."

almost as if he was waiting to be mentioned, reggie popped into the studio, willie standing right by him. in less than a second willie was by alex's side, reggie and luke shared a look before muttering excuses and poofing out.

"hey hotdog. you doing ok?" willie half smiled and brushed a few hairs from alex's face.

"i mean... better than when i died from street dogs," alex half laughed before turning on his side, still holding willie's hand, "speaking of, why do you call me hot dog? you do know that how i died, right?"

willie shook his head slightly and smiled, "yeah, i know. reggie told me you get kinda... extra when you're sick, is this you being extra?"

"i'd say yes, but i feel like i don't know the actual meaning of extra in the way you're using the word..."

willie just laughed again and squeezed alex's hand, not really further explaining, "oh so we're being wise and sarcastic, hm?"

alex blushed and laid on his back again. the two just sat there, hand in had, for a few minutes before alex looked over to the skater. "do you have any ideas about why i'm sick?"

"ah so you're admitting you're sick..."

"huh?" alex's inflection raised along with his eyebrows as he turned to willie.

"reggie told me you almost never admitted to being sick when you were alive and you would just struggle through it until the guys forced you to actually feel better."

"i guess falling in love made me wiser to my ways..." alex muttered as he turned back to look at the ceiling, this time cringeing in pain as he turned.

"what did you say hot dog?"

"i'm wiser to my ways?" alex didn't turn to face willie this time, knowing exactly what part of the phrase willie was referring to but ignoring it.

"no no... before that."

alex fell silent for a few seconds and willie didn't push it, merely smiling to himself and shaking his head. alex held tightly to willie's hand as the slightly shorter boy pushed the drummer's hair from his eyes again. the action made alex's face flush more, but he shoved it off as a fever.
after about 10 minutes of willie playing with alex's hair the skater started talking again. "hey, hotdog?

alex hummed a quiet response as he leaned into willie's touch, the skater's hand still in the drummer's hair.

"i think i'm falling in love with you..."

alex was slightly dumbfounded but then turned to willie again. "you think or you know?"

willie stared at the other ghost for a moment before he smiled brightly, "i know. i'm falling in love with you, alex."

alex smiled softly and sat up completely, sitting cross legged on the couch. he grabbed the skater's hands and couldn't contain his grin anymore, the ghost's face being reminiscent of the cheshire cat. "and i'm falling in love with you william."

the two leaned into each other, foreheads touching as their cheeks began to hurt. willie pulled away slightly and kissed alex's forehead, then staring into the drummer's eyes as he smiled softly.

"will you be my boyfriend?"

for one of the few times in his life (aside from when he joined sunset curve) alex didn't overthink his decision at all, "of course i will."

(A/N: 782 words
this was such a random and cute idea and it's taken me an unnecessarily long time to write this. i'm gonna start the sequel to the leggie oneshot i made and thats gonna take a while so get ready for that ig.)

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