Krishna speaks

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My beloveds,

Throughout the time I walked the earth as Krishna, I have loved people with no attachments. Perhaps you may question, how can I claim to love when I insitigated the most catastrophic event that tore apart loved ones? If my heart truly had compassion then how could I not prevent it from happening? How could I, your God, watch you be helpless, resentful, hopeless and devastated in the face of unfairness and say the aftermath of Kurukshetra bore righteousness? Was it fair to the numerous soldiers merely doing their duty who had nothing to do with the Pandavs or the Kauravs? Was it fair to the countless widows, orphaned children and old parents left behind?
Did they get justice?

On the occassion of my birthday, you poured out your hearts and pledged your devotion in my name. So I feel you need to be aware of a few things.

I watched as my six brothers were killed by Mama Kans; Maa Devaki's anguish and Pita Vasudev's helplessness. I watched Radha lose herself in my presence, her suffering for choosing me; Maa Yasoda's pain and Baba Nand's quiet acceptance as I left them behind. I knew of Suryaputra Kaunteya's lineage yet kept mum as Radhey Karn was called Sutputra. I knew of all the injustices that would befall the Pandavs. I knew of Gandhar's injustice at the hands of Mahamahim Bhism; watched Shakuni seethe. I knew when his poisonous words gradually warped young Duryodhan's mind. I killed many asuras and even Mama Kans. I knew of Pradyumna's abduction as my ever devoted wife Rukmini cradled our 9 day old son.I saw a wife awaiting her husband's return, a young Karenumati and her brother laughing as my Sudarshan descended over Shisupala's neck. I knew of the fate of my sakhi Draupadi as I left Indraprastha after the Rajasuya Yagya.

I saw my nephew Abhimanyu's end as I took the reins of Paarth's chariot and led him away towards the Narayani Sena. I set up Ghatotkach to be killed and calmly told Paarth to let go of the arrow as Vasusena tried to pull out his chariot's wheel. I saw Maharani Gandhari scream and cry for her dead sons and her desperation to save just one. I witnessed my sakhi wail at the sight of her five beheaded sons.

I was the one who had foresight yet didn't prevent the war from which only twelve men walked away alive.The ones I killed and the ones I deceived were not completely evil as the one's I helped were not completely good. Then why did I stand with some and against others? Does it not make everything meaningless? All the struggle, the pain and the love?

No, it does not. Because it has never been about individual justice but the welfare of the entire society. It is about clearing the muck from the stream and removing obstructions that stop it's flow. It is not about choosing the lesser evil but creating the path of righteousness through the thick forest of unrighteousness. Mahabharata would have been a fantasy tale if I chose to simply destroy; it is the struggle, the hope, the desperation, the love of mortals that made it history; a lesson. It was the destruction of the old that I shall instigate again and again so that the new can be constructed in that place.

For this purpose, I along with Shree,   many Gods and Goddesses incarnated on earth to guide the advent of a new epoch and the end of one. That time everyone in Aryavart were my associates in resowing the seed of righteousness, justice and change. I saw the society getting it's fruits thousands of years into the future. I left the nurturing of the sapling to the people in good faith as I should.

Have no fear of death because in the end, the mortal bodies made up of the five elements shall disintegrate and become the five elements as it should. The immortal soul shall transcend the mortal world and be free of all obligations. The only identity that shall remain would be of your choices and your deeds.

But I never abandoned the grieving people then for the foresight only I could see. I, Krishna-Narayan-Vishnu, am merely a choice you make; the choice of justice in the face of injustice, of righteousness over unrighteousness in the face of personal loss, of compassion in place of hatred, of forgiveness in stead of revenge. I reside within you and around you, in every spec of dirt and every living creature.I stand before you with my arms open to embrace. You need only open your eyes and choose me.

अश्रद्दधाना: पुरुषा धर्मस्यास्य परन्तप |
अप्राप्य मां निवर्तन्ते मृत्युसंसारवर्त्मनि ||

People who have no faith in this dharma are unable to attain Me, O conqueror of enemies. They repeatedly come back to this world in the cycle of birth and death.


(Written by SohiniModak8 )

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