Chapter 5- All Together! We Are The Crystal Lights Precure!

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Moonstone sat in her throne and held up a hand held mirror as she saw the latest battle right before her. "That Onyx! I can't rely on him at all!" She scoffed as she set down her mirror. She stood up and headed to a secret room behind her throne. She walked in and smiled to herself. Right in the middle of the room, there was a girl laying unconscious on the floor with a similar appearance to Moonstone. She walked towards her and shook her to wake her up. "What do you need from me, master?" She asked staring blankly at her. "Obsidian and Onyx failed to obey me, so now its your time to shine. Find the Crystal Lights and defeat the Pretty Cure!" The girl gave a wicked smile. "As you wish, master!"

Natsu burst out of bed right as she heard her alarm go off. "Good morning, Pearl!" She greeted. "Why are you up so early, Natsu? It's the weekend!" said Pearl. "Well, since all the Pretty Cure have been gathered, I'd thought we'd have a little party to celebrate!" Natsu responded. "So I've gotta get everything ready til then!" "Oh I see! I'll help you then!" "Thank you, Pearl! I'd really appreciate that!" Time seems to fly by as fast as a cheetah can run, because before long the house was completely transformed into a magical celebration. "Yippee! We did it!" Natsu and Pearl smiled together. "Now we've just got to wait for everyone to arrive!"

Meanwhile, the girls were on their way to Natsu's house. "I wonder why Natsu wants us to come over?" Momoka asked. "I'm not sure." said Aika. "Maybe she wants to tell us something important?" "Let's just wait and see. We're already here." said Akari. They walked up the porch to the front door and gave it a good knock. "Hello everyone! You're all here!" Natsu exclaimed. "My, Natsu! You seem to be in a good mood!" said Aika. "Of course! Come on in and you'll see why!" She stepped out the way and let everyone in. Immediately their faces lit up. The place had been completely decked out with balloons, streamers, and flowers.

"Wow, Natsu! This place looks amazing!" Momoka gushed. "Hehe...thank you!" Natsu smiled. "This is nice and all Natsu, but what is this for?" Akari asked. "Have you already forgot? All the Pretty Cure have been gathered, so I decided to throw a special little get together to celebrate!" "My! That sounds like fun!" Aika exclaimed. "So that explains why you sent us physical invitations," Akari sighed. "So, what are we waiting for?! Let's party already!" Momoka exclaimed. "That's the spirit, Momoka!" Natsu took out her radio and blasted the disco party music. They danced all around the living room as crazy as they possibly could.

While they were at it, they also started playing musical chairs with the kitchen chairs. After a few minutes of dancing, they were already laying on the floor in exhaustion. "Man, the last time I've danced this much was when I went to that arcade with Natsu!" Akari gasped for breath. "Yeah, that was crazy!" said Natsu. "How about we have some snacks now?" Aika suggested. "Great idea!" said Momoka. "And while we're at it, I think it's about time I properly explain our mission." said Pearl. "Okay. Sounds like a plan."

"Okay, so I've told you all that you've been chosen by the Crystal Lights to become legendary warriors called Pretty Cure, fight the Dark Crystals and find the missing Crystal Lights. But I've only Natsu why you fight. So I'll explain it to the rest of you. You see, I come from a kingdom far away from here called the Crystalline Kingdom. It's a magical place decked to the core of all the beautiful crystals. That is until Moonstone and her minions called the Dark Crystals invaded and stole our precious treasure, the Crystal Lights. We need them to bring color and light to our world or our world would suffer. The Dark Crystals had sealed everyone in the kingdom into stone and only I was able to escape. I came here to find the Crystal Lights that had been dropped down to Earth."

The girls listened with full attention. "I kind of get it, but at the same time I don't." said Momoka. "How were we chosen by the Crystal Lights if we don't know where they are?" "I didn't really understand either, but I realized that when Natsu became a Precure, there was a sudden light and an illumination of a crystal. Specifically that of the pink Crystal Light. They're job is to provide light to our world and by making Natsu a Precure, they're making her someone to protect and provide light to your and our world. You understand what I mean?" Momoka nodded. Natsu suddenly stood up. "Don't worry, Pearl. I promise you that we'll find the Crystal Lights and restore your kingdom. No matter what takes, I won't let them get away with this!"

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