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Aira pov

I was enveloped by the darkness

What was going on .......

then I saw her

My mom

Just a day before I came out of my house with lunch my mom made i thought she didn't care about me so i didn't ask much cause she had become a mute after my father left us.

Then i was surrounded by some girls they tried to kill me but i knocked  them out before they could do anything 

just as i let my guard down a girl whom i had failed to notice took a broken bottle and lifted up in the air

Just as i thought i was going to die.....

My mom came in front of me and got hit by that broken bottle

She was standing in front of me drenched with tears and b-blood all over her face but most annoying part was that she was smiling like she was going to heaven

She had written over her face that she was happy to have protected me one last time.....

Then she closed her eyes and never woke up 

I cried for the first time on top of my lungs but no one heard me

Everyone who was responsible  was gone  

I couldn't even see their faces to ask them

why? why do they have to do this

It was so painful. It hurts 

I was screaming

I wanted to reach her but i couldn't 

I started running as fast as i could .

My hands were trembling  i tried to reach her.

But with every step i take farther her image goes

"Please p-please don't go"

"I am s-sorry please"

In that darkness i remembered everything which i had washed from my mind in despair

I apologise holding my eyes which were red from crying .

I should have listened to her. I should have loved her but it was too late

Then i laughed a little 

I was always excellent that sometimes it rose the jealousy of others 

my mom died like that

after that nightmare i went to get a job to take care of myself to protect myself like my mom had wanted but..

Suddenly at a construction site a big metal was going to fall on a kid 

so i pushed her and i died

At my last moments I promised myself that if there's a next life i will become strong in my next life to protect my loved ones and love them.

I was again in that darkness

I heard her say something and i feel safe around her (mama)

Her voice was so gentle that it seemed like she was humming a lullaby with every word she said.

I layed down , closing my eyes and letting myself fall asleep completely forgetting the mysterious voice that came out of nowhere.


Hey guys i know that this a a bit of sad story mostly made of my own imagination but i had taken this idea from my of the novels i read.

Also any of the pictures don't belong to me kay 

Hope you enjoy

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