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It's been a month since Arinze came to visit me and since then we have been good friends. He even met Chizi and we met his girlfriend and we have been hanging out together. She is so cool. And funny enough I and Raphael are being civil to each other now, though we keep our usual banter. Let's say we are frenemies.

Chizi met him in my office one day and they were so familiar with each other. Okay let me forget big English. They are friends. When I asked, she said he was the last photographer that her manager made to quit. The day I bumped into him at the set was when he quit.

Sad memories.

I haven't spoken to my mum since I stormed the house and when she came to visit me in my apartment, I avoided her. She finally got the message and stopped coming but my dad became the errand boy. Calling and visiting but he got the same silent treatment my mum was receiving. They tried to get Mr Chikwem to coax me to at least pick up their calls but he got a threat of receiving the same treatment as them and he stayed out of it. It feels good to have some kind of leverage over people.

I finally decided to visit my parents and stay over for the weekend and know my sister's plan for the wedding.

I drove into the compound, carried my bag and stepped out of my car. I noticed a strange car in our driveway. I walked in and saw my mum in a discussion with a guy. His back was to me so I didn't see what he looked like but he sat straight and his stance oozed confidence. My mum's attention was immediately focused on me as she saw me walk in. She ran to me and to hug me and I tried to stop her but she still hugged me anyway. I couldn't hug back because of my hands were occupied but she didn't mind. Truth be told I've missed my mum. I hope she doesn't make me regret coming here. She called the maid to carry my bags which I dropped on the floor and my dad came rushing out. When I was done with the familiarities, I walked into the sitting and the man my mum was with finally turned around and boy he was gorgeous.

Why didn't I dress better? I looked down to my black skinny jeans, blue t-shirt and sandals.

Oh well I didn't know I would see a fine man. My mum must have noticed our staring and she cleared her throat bringing us out of our staring contest.

"Hi" I greeted as I sat down on one of the couches.

"Hello. Pleased to meet you. I'm Johnson" he replied

"Pleasure is all mine. I'm Kaima, her first child" I turned to point at my mum and noticed the room was empty. And she has continued with her tricks. Of course she will get everyone to leave so that I'll talk to him. "She has obviously left." I rolled my eyes. Well this one is appreciated.

I called for water and the maid brought it for me. We talked for a while about each other, what we do and a few other things before he decided to leave saying he would come back tomorrow. I actually don't mind seeing his face tomorrow. I nodded and walked him to the door before I headed to the stairs.

I walked upstairs and saw my mum smiling like widely. I just walked into Agozie's room and found her sleeping. I removed my sandals and climbed into her bed, under the covers and slept off.

A loud piercing scream woke me up only to see my sister shocked. I wanted to surprise her but this reaction is scary.

"Why will you scream like that this girl? Do you want to give me a heart attack?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes sleepily.

"How would you feel when you wake up, expecting to see an empty bed but then you see someone that you did not keep there?" She retorted and I nodded.

"I would flip but I'll first check who the person is and not scream the person's ears off. You could have blocked my ear drums" I stated and she narrowed her eyes at me before rolling them

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