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I had been avoiding Johnson for up to a week now. After he asked me to be his girlfriend, I freaked out and told him to give me time to think about it. And since then I haven't given him a reply. It was a good thing that my brother came over so I used it as an excuse not to hang out with Johnson or let him come to my place. Don't blame me. I'm kinda confused. I'm not sure I like him but if I start dating him, it will get my mum off my back. Maybe I should just be his girlfriend. I can end it whenever I want. I told Chizi and she told me to 'man up and talk to the guy.' Her exact words but I couldn't just face him yet.

It was Agozie's wedding today and Jesus Christ I have been working since two day ago. She decided to have both her traditional and white wedding on the same day so the wedding was taking place in the village. We were getting dressed for the church wedding and I was helping Agozie dress up. I refused to join her train or be her maid of honor. I didn't want to drag any attention to myself. Being single and attending her wedding was enough attention. I just hoped nobody would throw a pity party for me.

When we were done dressing, we headed for the church. We were Catholics so it was going to be a full mass.

It's going to be a long day

I zoned out during the service as the took their vows and kissed. Before I knew what was happening, we were taking pictures with the happy couple. I have never seen my sister look so happy in her entire life and I was happy for her. After the pictures, we headed home for the beginning of the traditional wedding. I wonder why women stress themselves by combining their traditional and white wedding together.

I'm not the bride and I'm stressed.

We quickly helped Agozie into a beautiful red dress and matching beaded jewelries for her first outing where she is supposed to greet her visitors. She came out, dancing the traditional, with her train, to the traditional son that was being played by the DJ, as she went round to greet her guests,  waving at people, and stopping at intervals in front of elders or prominent people to greet them properly.

I saw Johnson walk towards me and I wanted to run but unfortunately he had already seen me. I knew he was going to be here but I promised myself that I would avoid him at all cost and deal with this issue after this wedding. I guess I didn't do a good job at avoiding him.

"Hi" he spoke immediately he was in front of me.

"Hi" I replied smiling

"You look good. Very beautiful" he stated and I blushed.

"Thank you" I answered

"And your sister is a beautiful bride" he nodded his head towards her as he stood beside me and we watched my sister dance.

"Yeah. She's a good dancer too" I replied

"I'm sure you can dance" he smiled and I laughed

"I can't. I'm a disaster on the dance floor" I lied wondering when he would talk about me avoiding him.

I turned to the crowd and this time I spotted Chizi and the rest of my friends at a table talking. Chizi beat Iyke when he reached out and gave Ralph a fist bump. I wonder what they said. I smiled at them. I felt a nudge and turned to look at Johnson

"You zoned out" he stated

"Sorry" I replied and he nodded

"It's okay. I asked if you were avoiding me" he inquired as he looked at me with worry.

"Truthfully, I was. But I promise after this wedding, we will talk. Not tomorrow though coz I need to rest. Okay?" I asked and he nodded

"Sure you need to rest" he smiled, although the smile didn't reach his eyes.

A New Dawn (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now