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My phone rang for the millionth time this afternoon and Johnson was the caller. I ended the call, putting my phone on silence and threw it into my bag and focused on the road

"You should pick up his call so they you won't miss an important call because of that" Chizi stated, her eyes still focused on the road as she drove the car.

We were going to Ralph's studio for the works we need for the hotel. I begged Chizi to come with me as I didn't want any awkward conversations and all that stuff.

"If I don't pick up the first two times, it's obvious I don't want to talk to him" I rolled my eyes and faced the window watching as we passed a lot of cars and buildings

"He doesn't care. He wants to talk" Chizi replied

"Fine" I replied, bringing out my phone and dialing Johnson's number. He picked up on the first ring

"Babe, thank God you called—"

"Can you stop calling me? I don't want to switch off my phone because of you. I'm working right now. We can talk when I'm done for today" I interrupted him

"Oh. Okay" he sounded disappointed.

I ended the call, increasing the volume of my phone and tossed the phone into my bag.

"That was rude" Chizi commented

"I don't care" I replied

"Is this how you guys will live as a couple?" Chizi asked

"Can you just focus on driving and leave my relationship?" I snapped

"Oh. I'm sorry" Chizi replied quietly.

I suddenly felt bad for snapping at her so I turned to face her "Babe I'm sorry" I said but she ignored me "I'm really sorry. I'm just angry at him and I took it out on you. I'm really sorry"

More silence

"Please now. I'm hurt already. I don't like how he treats my friends and though you haven't told me what exactly he did, I know it was bad and it annoys me that I'm with someone who doesn't respect my friends. So please forgive me and let me make it up to you" I pleaded, very close to tears

She stopped the car and turned to face me looking so serious

"I'm definitely picking your wedding dress and I'm the chief bridesmaid" she cracked a smile. I immediately hugged her

"Of course. It's all you" I replied.

When we pulled away, I expected her to start driving but she looked me dead in the eyes

"Are you sure about this wedding?" She asked me.

I wanted to lie to her. Tell her that I was perfect and give her my fake smile but the way she looked at me made me shake my head

"I'm not yet sure Chizi. But I'll figure it out and once I do, I'll talk to you about it. I promise" I replied and she nodded

"Okay then. please make the right choice but I want you to know that whatever your decision is, I'm always your number one fan and support system" she replied seriously and I smiled widely at her

"Thanks a lot babe. I love you"

"I love you too but please don't get all emotional on me" she shivered making me laugh.

"Yes ma'am" I replied

"Good. We're here" she stated

I looked around and realized that she was right.

When did we even get here?

I sighed and we got out of the car and headed towards the building. As we got in, we saw the receptionist who was chewing her gum loudly, and typing furiously on her phone. I walked up to her while Chizi stood a few steps behind.

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