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I remember when mama used to visit us and tell us stories of Nigeria during the colonization, and how things happen way before we were born. Those were the good old days of my childhood. Being the first of four children, I was told that my younger siblings would look up to me and my behaviour affected them. That is the fate of every first child in Nigeria. You are always in charge of your siblings and you are blamed both for their actions and inactions. That was obviously my case so whatever I did, I did right, without any mistakes and I purposely avoided wrong doings because if I was caught, I would have to listen to the 'your siblings are following your footsteps' talk and I admit that I hated that talk. I was the strict elder sister and I made sure no one bullied my siblings. My siblings were scared of me at some point but I had to 'loosen up' as Onyii would tell me. Funny enough you cannot loosen up because even when you all are older, it doesn't get better. If your siblings mess up, as the first child, you are the first person to get a call from your mother to complain that this person did this or that and that you should talk to them to stop wasting their lives. Now imagine if it is you that is allegedly wasting your life, you will never hear the end of it from your parents. And you can be wasting your life when your choices do not tally with your parent's choices for you. Such choices include occupation, friends, life partner and in my case, lack of a life partner.

Making matters worse, today being my sister's twenty second birthday, her boyfriend of a year and half just dropped the 'will you marry me' questions and here we go again. I'm getting those pitiful looks again and people are whispering. It is not helping that her birthday was celebrated in the house and my parents made sure to invite everyone they know. I have even gotten questions asking me when I will marry and God help me I will pour my glass of wine on the next person who walks up to me for a pity talk or question. Yes my immediate younger sister is married with a child and the other one just got engaged and I don't even have a boyfriend. So what? I'm allowed to get a boyfriend and then marry whenever I want not when everybody expects me to. I am honestly tired of questions and talks pertaining to my love life or lack of one.

I'm dragged out of my thoughts by my sister pulling my left hand. I'm dragged into one of the rooms in the house which happens to be mine and my sister leaves. I walk to my bed and flop down knowing exactly why I'm here. Few minutes later my two sisters walk in with Agozie squealing about her ring. She rushed to my side and holds out her left hand and I can't help but give a genuine smile.

"Your ring is sooo beautiful" I say and she hugs me.

"I'm so happy. I didn't expect him to propose. Will you believe that we had a fight yesterday and I talked to him today only because mummy and daddy are here? I was so angry at him and all of a sudden a ring? I don't even remember why I was angry anymore. Big sis I'm sooo happy" she gushes and we all laugh.

"Kaima what is the problem? You don't look happy." Onyii frowns at me and I sigh

"Nothing. I'm fine. Just tired" I lie and Onyii looks disapprovingly at me. She knows me so well.

"Okay fine" I roll my eyes and shake my head "I'm not fine. What exactly is wrong with people and pitting me. Yes my two younger sisters are married or getting married in your case Agozie and I'm not but we all know that. It's an established fact so why won't they let me be happy for my sister? Why won't they let me live my life? Just imagine Ronke telling me not to worry that my time will come. What rubbish? Did I tell her I'm worried? I felt like slapping that smile off her face. I know she hates me and all that but can't I have a day of peace anytime I come home? I'm tired of all this. I'm really tired" I say and my sisters look angry

"Ronke? Wetin dey worry that one sef? She get luck I no dey there (what is wrong with her? She's lucky I wasn't there). I would have slapped her" Onyii fumes, making us laugh

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