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I sat down on the chair and placed my leg on the little stool in front of me.

"You are heavy" Maria eyed me

"I know. I can't even see my feet" I complained

"Don't worry. Your feet are fine" Chizi replied

"I feel so fat. I can't even fit my clothes" I whined

"You are not fat. You're pregnant" Chizi replied and I rolled my eyes

"Same thing" I muttered and put a piece of the apple I cut into my mouth.

"When are you due?" Maria asked

"Next month, obviously. Not sure of the date" I replied

"How are your cravings?" Maria asked again and I sighed

"I feel like Ralph is tired if me. I feel like I'm disturbing him and that he'll leave me and I'll now be a single mom" I replied and a tear slipped from my eyes.

Damn my hormones. Being eight months pregnant isn't easy though

Chizi immediately rushed to my side and wiped my tears

"Ralph loves you and he's not leaving you. He promised you that when he married you and he's happy that you're pregnant. He won't leave you okay?" She asked holding me to her chest.

"Okay" I whispered.

I knew Ralph would never leave me. We got married after a year and half. One year later, I got pregnant with his child. My hormones were just getting the best of me. The were all over the damn place.

"And if he leaves you, I'll be your baby daddy" Chizi joked making all of us to burst out laughing.

"And you'll have two baby daddies coz I'll definitely be your baby daddy too" Maria added with a smile

"I love you girls so much" I wiped my eyes

"We know. And we love you too" Maria replied

"How are your families doing?" I asked pulling away from Chizi

"I'm tired of my kids. Please I beg you, let that one in your tummy stay in there for as long as you can keep it coz when they come out, they are frustrating" Maria wailed and we laughed

Maria has two kids, a boy and a girl while Chizi has a son.

"True. My son is annoying. I can't even go to the office in peace!" Chizi lamented

Chizi stopped acting after she got married. When we asked her why, she said she wanted to take over from her dad. I made sure that it was her decision and nobody influenced her. She said it was always her plan to take over from her dad. It was weird at first because I never saw her as the office kinda girl but she was wonderful. She dragged Maria along with her and gave her a job at the office while I was still managing the hotel. Chizi purchased one more hotel so the job got quite stressful for me. But I was obviously equal to the task.

My mum walked in with some snacks and placed it on the table before sitting down

"How are you girls doing?" She asked with a smile

My mum had become close with my friends and please don't ask me how coz I don't know how. I just went to visit one day with Chizi and they were all smiles and hugs which scared me by the way. I didn't ask how it happened because I realized I didn't want to know how it happened. I was just happy it happened. My brother was in his third year in university and he was also being trained by my dad to take over the company. The poor boy has a lot on his shoulders.

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