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I knocked on the door again as I waited for a reply. Wasn't anyone home? As I turned to leave, the door opened and Ralph stepped out.

"Hey, what's up?" He asked

I turned back around to face him as more tears slid down my eyes.

"Oh my. Come here" he pulled me into a hug.

He rocked me back and forth, whispering in my ears until I finally calmed. He led me into his house and sat me down on the couch.

"Would you like to take anything?" He asked

"Can I get a glass of warm milk? I'm tired" I asked

"Of course. Just wait here" he replied

He went into the kitchen while I slumped further into the couch, thinking about everything that took place in my parent's house.

I'm really going to avoid these people for the rest of my life if my mum is bent on frustrating my life. She didn't even ask if I was okay. How I was coping. Even if I ended my own wedding, does it mean I wasn't hurt? How can my own mother treat me like this? How can a woman who claims that she loves me treat my like this? Am I not worthy of my own mother's love? Is getting married the only thing that will make her love me? Maybe I should have just married Johnson. After all, my mum wants the best for me. But Johnson wasn't the best for me. Where did I go wrong? How did my life become this pathetic? I can't even believe this is me.


I turned immediately to see Ralph holding a glass cup and a plate of cookies. He placed them on the table, before lifting his hands to my cheeks and wiping them until the liquid was smeared on my cheek.

"I didn't realize I was crying" I replied laughing a little and I tried to wiped my eyes with the heel of my palm. His hands stopped me and he wiped them for me.

"I've been calling you for a while now. Haven't you cried enough?" He asked

"My body doesn't think so" I replied rubbing my forehead

"It's okay. Eat" he rubbed my back

"I only asked for a glass of milk" I stated as I stared at the cookies before me

"You have to eat that at least. I know you won't want to eat again this night so at least manage to eat that okay?" He asked

"I don't want to eat anything" I sighed

"Please now ehhh? Just small abeg (please)" he cooed and I shook my head "ntakiri (small)" he

"Nooo" I whined

"Small now. Please" he begged and I sighed

"Fine. I'll eat" I replied and he smiled

"That's good" he immediately picked up one of the cookies and handed it to me. I sighed and took it, ate it and sipped the milk

As I ate, I told him what transpired at home and he was angry

"Omo, your mum is mean ooo. How can she just start shouting at you like that ehhh? She did not try ooo" he frowned

I shrugged, putting another cookie in my mouth as I chewed. I sipped my milk and sighed in content.

"I don't want to talk to her again. That woman has forced me into a lot of things. Because of her, I've dated six different men and it didn't turn out well for me" I lamented

"What do you mean?" He asked, looking confused. I took a deep breath and turned to face him, propping one of my legs on the couch so that I was facing him.

A New Dawn (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now