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I woke up with a migraine. My head was pounding. I felt like I was going to die. I opened my eyes and looked around me. I was still in my wedding dress, in my sitting room, on the floor with an empty bottle of red wine laying next to me.

How could I be this stupid

The last time I got wasted was when I twerked half naked at the party in uni. I tried to stand up and I tripped, falling back to the floor. My body hurt from my choice of sleeping position and let me tell you, sleeping on the floor is horrible. I stood up this time without falling and made my way to my kitchen. I drank two glasses of water, before drinking Panadol for my headache. I gathered my wedding dress in my hands and walked into my room and began the struggle to remove it. I finally ended up tearing the gown and I found my way to my bathroom. After spending up to an hour in there, I made my way to my room, wearing a pair of black joggers and a sports bra. I brushed the weave on I had fixed for my wedding and headed to my kitchen. In my sitting room, I saw my phone lying carelessly on the floor so I picked it up, placing it on my table and headed to the kitchen. I made myself a warm cup of milk and gulped it down. I went back to my sitting room, picking up my phone and switching it on, when I saw the time, I nearly screamed. It was already 2pm. I'm never drinking again. I ordered food and began cleaning the mess I made in my sitting room. After half an hour, a knock came on my door. I opened it thinking it was the food I ordered only to see a guy dressed in suit.

"Are you Kaima?" He asked

"Who is asking?" I replied

"I am. I brought something from Johnson. He said I should give it to you" he replied and handed me a travel bag.

It must be my stuff that were in his place. I sighed

"Thanks" I took them and closed my door.

I went to my room and began sorting them in my closet when my phone rang.

Didn't I switch it off again?

I groaned and took the phone, checking the caller. It was my mum. I pressed the power button, kept it beside me and continued to place my clothes in my closet. The phone kept ringing over and over again until I decide to pick up.

"Mummy good afternoon" I greeted

"Hei. This girl. Why has your phone been switched off? Why were you not picking my calls? So after embarrassing me yesterday you are now disrespecting me? There is nothing I will not see. I carried you for nine months in my womb. Nine good months and you are treating me like this? Chai. What is this world turning into? " My mum ranted.

She is angry. No, angry is an understatement. She is pissed. I just kept quiet as she continued shouting. Telling me how much of a disgrace I was. How much I've embarrassed her and my dad. Just then, a knock came on my door and I took some money and went to my sitting room. I paid the food guy and sat down on the floor listening to my mum rain abuses on me. I couldn't even cry again. I'm sure I didn't have tears anymore. I cried them all yesterday.

"By tomorrow evening, I want to see you in the house and let me not look for you. Don't you dare miss it because I will personally come to your house and drag you back home. Inugo? (Have you heard?)" My mum shouted

I had the strong urge to scream back at her but I decided to respect myself and my old age and reply calmly

"Anugom (I have heard). I will be there tomorrow" I replied and she ended the call.

What an amazing mother. She didn't ask how I was, if I was okay. For all I knew I could be suicidal. I lost my appetite so I opened my message app. I had up to twenty three messages from Chizi, two from her parents, a few from my siblings, five from Maria, one from Arinze, one from Iyke and four from Ralph. I opened them and quickly replied them, telling them that I was fine, then I opened Ralph's message.

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