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I wanted to introduce Johnson to Chizi's parents. Well, they are family. When I told Mr Chikwem that I was engaged to Johnson, he was surprised and finally told me that he thought Ralph and I were dating.

What is wrong with everybody thinking Ralph likes me?

Speaking of Ralph, he has been avoiding me and I don't know why. I'm very sure I haven't offended him. Or did I? He didn't come to my office this past week and during the shoots, he was more concentrated than I have ever seen him. When I talked to him, he gave me monosyllabic replies so I got the hint and left him alone. Maybe when he's ready, he will talk to me.

When I told Johnson about going to see them, he didn't want to go, telling me that I can just invite them to the wedding. He sounded rude but I overlooked his reply giving him a pointed look and he caved. So we found ourselves knocking on their door on a Saturday, a week after my engagement. The door opened and Doris smiled at me. She opened the door widely and pulled me into a hug.

"My baby" she smiled

"Mummy good afternoon" I greeted and she pulled away

"Afternoon dear. You look good" she replied then turned to Johnson "you must be Johnson"

"Good afternoon ma" he greeted with a smile

"Welcome dear. Please come in" she replied and led us into the house.

We walked into the sitting room and I saw Mr Chikwem sitting on the couch

"Daddy the daddy" I teased with a smile. He laughed and stood up and hugged me

"Kaima. You this child. How are you" he asked

"I'm fine ooo. Where is Chizi?" I asked

"Upstairs" Doris replied and I nodded.

"Good afternoon sir" Johnson greeted Mr Chikwem and the shook hands

"Good afternoon my boy" he replied and gestured for us to seat.

We sat down, I beside Johnson and Doris beside her husband on the couch next to ours.

"So you are the fiance" Mr Chikwem asked

"Oh God. Daddy abeg (please) don't do that" I groaned

"It's my job as your dad to interrogate him and know his intentions" he scolded

"He put a ring on my finger. We already know his intentions" I replied pointing to the ring

"Kaima be quiet" he scolded.

"Kaima why don't we go upstairs and leave the men to discuss?" Doris asked softly

Do I really want to leave Johnson here alone with Chizi's dad? Hell no. But right now, I don't have a choice.

"Fine. Mummy let's go" then turning to Mr Chikwem "Daddy biko (please) take it easy. I want to marry him ooo"

Johnson leaned in and kissed my forehead then I stood up and walked towards Doris who immediately wrapped her arms around my waist and I wrapped my arm around her shoulder. We went upstairs to Chizi's room. Chizi just came out of the bathroom and she still had her towel tied securely around her chest.

"This room has a door for a reason.  You people should have knocked. What if I was naked?" She whined

"In my house you are telling me to knock ehh? What is this world turning into? I will just bring down this door and you won't have a door anymore" Doris replied and Chizi glared

Nigerian mothers are over dramatic ehhh

"Abeg (please) do and dress up jhoor" I glared at her and sat on the bed and fell backwards lying down while my feet swung back and forth. Doris joined me on the bed.

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