Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

"Well, that was fun," Dex said, hands stuffed back into his pockets as we boarded the elevator again. He had been silent the whole way out of the chrome-walled hallway. Even now, he was trying to act casual, but I could tell that our conversation with Victor had upset him almost as much as it had me.

"Was he serious?" I asked as the elevator doors closed behind us.

Dex and Lewis exchanged concerned glances, and then turned back to me.

"Yeah, he was," Dex said, and Lewis cooed softly in agreement. "Since we lost our last Silverblood, there's no denying that we have to get a new one."

"But why me?" I demanded, my cheek still tingling where the silver had touched me.

Dex shrugged, and leaned against the elevator wall. "Because you're here. If Lacken and Victor get to keep you, that means we won't have to catch the original wolf."

I turned to him as best I could with my head still bound, unbelieving.

"You're kidding," I said quietly. "You want to lock me in a cage and pump acid into me for the rest of my life because you're too lazy to go out and do your job?"

Dex grimaced, and looked up at the ceiling.

"Yep, that just about covers it," he said. "Though I would like to point out that Victor's the one who wants to keep you- not me."

This didn't put me at ease at all, and I continued to glare at him.

The elevator finally dinged, and the doors slid open to reveal a hallway that was totally different from the one I had just been on. The floor was carpeted, and the walls were painted a comforting vanilla white. Lamps lit the way every few feet, and the doors were made of polished wood. It looked more like a hotel than a laboratory.

"This is the guest floor," Dex explained as he led the way out of the elevator. "It's where we put visitors while they're staying here."

He turned to me as Lewis set my cart down on the floor again.

"You feeling all right?" he asked, taking a step toward me.

My cheek still stung a little, and I was seriously considering tearing Dexter to pieces, but I nodded. Though he didn't seem like he believed me, he motioned at Lewis, and the big blue thing unstrapped me. I stepped off of the dolly, rubbing my arms to get the feeling back into them.

"This will be your room," Dex said, rapping his knuckles on the closest door. "Room 3729."

Despite my situation, I looked at him in confusion.

"I'm on floor thirty seven?" I asked. "Just how many floors does this place have?"

Dex shook his head and smiled, his usual nonchalant attitude returning. "Nope, that would mean that there were twenty seven rooms on this floor. There are only eleven."

Amber SilverbloodWhere stories live. Discover now