Chapter Sixty One

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Chapter Sixty One

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Chapter Sixty One

I sighed in relief when Kimberly's eyes finally opened.

"Hey there," I said, smiling as I sat on her bedside. "How do you feel?"

This time, instead of answering, she tried to sit up. I almost pushed her back down, but decided against it. The ice pack slid down off her forehead, and she jumped a little when the cold, wet thing landed in her lap. That was good, I thought as I reached down and pressed it back up against her bump. She was alert enough to feel the ice pack, which was a big step up from the braindead state she'd been in that morning.

"Keep that there, okay?" I said.

She nodded, and put her hand up to keep the ice pack in place.

"Can you talk, sweetie?" I asked. "How do you feel?"

"My head hurts," she answered. Her voice was still weak, but this time it just seemed like she was groggy after taking a nap.

"That's what that's for," I said, pointing at the pouch pressed against her head. "And here, the doctor gave you some medicine to take for it."

"Dr. Yauhn?" she asked, giving me a confused look. Yauhn must have been her family doctor.

"Nope," I said, hopping up to retrieve the painkillers. "He's a new doctor. His name is Dr. Munse. I took you there while you were... asleep."

I tipped one of the pills into my hand, and then went to the refrigerator to fill a cup up to the brim with water. She'd been asleep for almost a whole day, so my guess was that she needed as much water as she could drink right now.

"Take this," I said, handing her the pill, "and then drink all the water in this cup, okay?"

"Okay," she agreed. She kept one hand to her forehead to keep the ice pack in place, and with the other she took the pill and popped it in her mouth, and then took the cup from me. She drank in small sips at first, but then it turned into longer and longer gulps until the she had drained the cup of every drop of water. That was good too.

"You want some more?" I asked, taking it back from her.

She shook her head, and then stopped to think. "I'm hungry, though."

"What do you want to eat?"

"Macaroni and cheese," she said right off the bat. Then she paused. "With bacon."

I laughed, and got up to check the pantry.

"You're in luck, we've got mac and cheese!" I said after digging around for a minute. "And bacon bits too!"

"And ice cream for dessert!" she added.

I checked the freezer. "How about a popsicle?"

She nodded her agreement, and I grabbed the milk from the fridge and went about mixing all the ingredients together. After throwing it in the microwave to cook, I went and sat down on her bed again.

Amber SilverbloodWhere stories live. Discover now