Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

"Another werewolf!" Edgar gasped from behind me. I heard him take a step closer to me, intending to play the hero once again, but Dex stopped him. The wolf growled again at the boy's approach, but barely gave him a passing glance. Its eyes were fixed unblinkingly at the five year old girl by my side.

"Guys," I said slowly, just loudly enough for them to hear, "take Kimberly and get her through that door."

"Amber, you can't take that thing on alone," Dex said, and I saw the dim glow of his scepter wash over the parking lot again. I should have been happy to accept the help of two trained battle mages, but seeing the hostile wolf had awoken something inside of me that I just couldn't ignore.

"I'll fight it myself," I insisted, feeling like my mouth was forming words on its own. "I have to."

Dex hesitated a moment, and then reluctantly agreed.

"Kimberly," I said to the little girl whose hand was still held in my own, "go with them."

"What is that thing?" she demanded, all of her terror coming back to her in full force.

"It's a wolf," I answered, deciding not to mention that it was here for her. "Don't be scared. I'm going to take care of it. Just go with those two."

I released her hand, and she hesitated only for a second before turning and running to the two men behind me. The wolf snarled in anger, its tail lashing agitatedly behind it, and advanced on me. I didn't know if it was planning to attack me or go around me, but I didn't intend to give it the chance to do either. I stepped forward as well, coming out of the shadows and into the light of the street lamps above. The werewolf took one look at me, and then stopped short. I was no expert at reading wolf expressions, but I could almost believe that this one looked surprised to see me.

"You didn't expect another werewolf to get here first, did you?" I asked, my voice a guttural growl. "You should have planned things out better!"

And with that, I initiated my change. It was difficult, since I had never done it of my own will before, but I managed to do it. It was like reaching deep down inside myself and pulling a great big lever. Immediately, my muscles began to strain against my clothes as they grew bigger until they burst free. I fell to all fours as my body reshaped itself, growing fur, a snout, and a tail. Behind me, I heard Kimberly scream in terror.

"Get her out of here!" I commanded them just before I lost my voice, and the beast in front of me found itself staring at another werewolf.

The look of confusion on its face was still there, even more obvious now to my wolfish eyes. I took that as an opportunity to attack, and lunged at him. The other wolf reacted too slowly, and I managed to sink my teeth into its neck. Instantly, whatever surprise it felt was gone, replaced by the animalistic need to fight. I knew how it felt, because it was that same instinct that had driven me to transform and attack it first.

Amber SilverbloodWhere stories live. Discover now