Chapter Sixty Two

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Chapter Sixty Two

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Chapter Sixty Two

The loud, thumping music assaulted my ears the minute I set foot in the hallway. Clutching the knife tight in one hand, I closed the door with the other. If something went wrong, at least Kimberly would be safe inside her room, where D.K. couldn't get to her. And I didn't try to fool myself— everything could go wrong here. D.K. could overpower me, or Kaylie and Tyler could intervene. I had a feeling that an attempt on my alpha's life would come at a far greater price than losing his money to a rival gang. Unless I was greatly mistaken, it wouldn't be something I'd just walk away from... or ever walk again at all.

Knowing the music would cover my footsteps, I walked with more confidence than might have been wise. If prior experiences were any indication, then D.K. would probably be in his chair watching TV, so drunk that he was on the verge of passing out. It would be easy to walk in there and stick the knife in his chest. It wasn't silver, but you didn't need silver to kill a werewolf. That just made it easier. But what about Tyler and Kaylie? Would they try to stop me if they found out what I was doing? I knew Tyler wasn't a fan of D.K., but he was still, somehow, loyal to him. I got the feeling Kaylie was the same way, but I hadn't been around her long enough to get a sense of where her priorities lay. Her, I might be able to take down if I had to, I thought, but Tyler was another story altogether. Six and a half feet of pure muscle— that was definitely beyond my ability to kill. And if I had to fight Kaylie, I was almost certain that he'd come to help her. That's what siblings do for each other, right?

I thought all of this before I reached the living room door. I paused at the edge of the doorway, and leaned forward to peak my head in. Yes, there he was, with that same glazed over stare he always had when he was watching TV. I had a feeling he didn't even really see the football game playing in front of him. More importantly, he was alone. I steeled myself for what I had to do, and willed my foot to take the next step that would take me into the living room.

But I hesitated.

Is this who you've turned into, Amber? a voice in my head asked. It was my dad's voice, my mom's voice, and my own all at once. I looked down at the knife in my hand. Someone so desperate that she's willing to become a murderer to get what she wants?

"It's not just for me," I muttered, so low that even I barely heard it. "It's for Kimberly. It's to keep her safe."

You've killed for him before, the voice continued to nag. Are you willing to kill him now?

"He deserves it," I insisted, my palm growing sweaty around the knife handle. "He's ruined this pack. He ruined my life. He ruined Kimberly's."

YOU ruined Kimberly's life.

"Shut up!" I snapped under my breath, and to my relief the guilty little voices obeyed. Why was this so hard? It wasn't as if I liked D.K. In fact, I didn't have a single positive memory about him. He was a bad guy, and if he had even one redeemable quality he'd done a good job of hiding it from me. He needed this knife in his heart. The whole pack needed it...

Amber SilverbloodWhere stories live. Discover now