Chapter Sixty

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Chapter Sixty

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Chapter Sixty

I had been sitting in the waiting room for an hour without being called back when somebody finally came and sat down across from me. I almost didn't want to look at him, or her, or it, for fear of what he/she/it might look like, but I figured it would probably be rude to just ignore them. After taking a minute to steel my nerves, I looked up.

Oh, gaaaw... I thought, trying to keep my face neutral as the skeleton across from me glanced my direction.

"How you doing?" he asked, nodding his skull politely.

"F- fine," I answered, doing my best to sound pleasant. This just went to show that I wasn't nearly as used to weirdness as I had thought. For every wand waving wizard and bomb tossing gremlin, there was a skeleton in a doctor's office to make me wet my pants.

"What you here for?" he asked. His voice was rough, like a chain smoker's. Could skeletons even smoke without lungs, I wondered?

I nodded towards Kimberly, who was still sleeping against my shoulder. "She hit her head. Won't wake up."

The skeleton shook his head. "Poor kid." Then he made a weird grunting noise, and reached up to rub the part of his spine that connected to the base of his skull. I had a feeling that if he'd had a face, he would be wincing.

"You know how they say you can't take it with you when you die?" he asked. "Apparently, arthritis is an exception. Munse is a good doctor, though. He can take care of your daughter."

I almost choked when I heard this. Daughter? My face turned red. I was only seventeen! Kimberly was five! How old did this dead guy think I was?

"Arnold," the receptionist from the pink lagoon called, and the boneman stood up, tipping an imaginary hat to me, and walked off.

"Well, at least he was being a jerk on accident," I grumbled. Even that seemed like a rarity these days.

Now that he was gone, I shifted Kimberly to a more comfortable position and went back to staring at my lap. Victor's words kept repeating themselves in my head over and over, and I couldn't make them stop.

"I did not put you in that pack so you could sit around and be abused. Get your act together!"

What was that supposed to mean? Knowing Victor, I'd assumed that he had just put me in there so I would be abused. But that warning he gave me... could there have been another reason that I'd missed?

"Of course, just telling me would have been way too easy," I muttered, rolling my eyes. He said I wasn't supposed to sit around and be abused, but what else was I supposed to do? D.K. was the alpha, which meant I didn't exactly get a say in it. The only way I could stop him would be to...

My thoughts froze, and I nearly dropped Kimberly in my shock.

I would have to take down D.K.

Before I could think further on it, the receptionist called, "Amber and Kimberly, come on back."

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