Chapter Sixty Five

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Chapter Sixty Five

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Chapter Sixty Five

It was the middle of the night when Kaylie and I finally made it back to the Swag Pag's house. The minute we set foot out of the car, she reverted back to her old self, cooing and begging for D.K. to come look at the pretty things she'd bought. I let her go without comment, my bed sounding like a much better option than watching Kaylie put on a fashion show for D.K.

Kimberly was still asleep when I got to our room. I didn't wake her up— in fact, I did my best not to look at her as I got dressed for bed and laid down. It had been a long, long day. I'd gotten Kimberly her medicine, which was good, but I hadn't taken care of the bigger issue. D.K. was still alive, and it didn't look like there was anything I could do about that. At least I'd learned about how this whole mess had started. Maybe I could use that to my advantage somehow.

Problems for tomorrow, I told myself. Tonight, just sleep...

And, just like that, I asleep. There's something about taking care of a kid and attempting a murder all in the same day that could just wear a girl out.

It was just before three in the morning when my door was thrown open, flooding our room with light. I immediately sat up, shielding my eyes with one hand and throwing off my sheets with the other.

"Who's there?" I demanded, trying to get out of bed. The covers got tangled around my feet, though, and I ended up doing a faceplant in the carpet.

This was wrong, I realized as I struggled to free myself from the sheets. That door only opened for me and Kimberly unless we gave it permission. Who was out there, and how had they gotten in? Was it D.K.? Had he found out about how I'd tried to kill him? I managed to stand up, balling my fists to fight even though my head was still thick with sleepiness.

"Whoa, calm down, Sugarsnout!"

I blinked, and lowered my hands.

"Dex?" I asked.

"The one and only," he said back, and now I could make out a shape standing in our doorway. I blinked a couple more times, and my eyes finally adjusted to the light. It was him all right, leaning casually on our door frame, twirling his scepter between his fingers.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, struggling with the usual mixture of emotions I got whenever the Majestic idiots showed up: relief to finally have someone to talk to besides the Swag Pag, and anger for everything they'd done to me, and terror for what might happen next.

Dex laughed and came to meet me. "You really have to ask? I thought this was what you were looking forward to more than anything."

I looked past him, through the door that should have led into the Swag Pag's hallway, but instead saw the Corridor of Doors in Majestic's headquarters. Suddenly, my skin grew clammy, and I felt light headed. I backed up a step and sat down on my bed.

Amber SilverbloodWhere stories live. Discover now