Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty One

Have you noticed how often I've been woken up by somebody knocking on my door lately? Because it's been happening a lot...

It was impossible to say for sure how long I'd been asleep, since the room had no windows, but it didn't feel like long enough. Kimberly and I both sat up like somebody had stuck us with a cattle prod as the woman from last night's voice hollered at in between knocks.

"My man says he wants breakfast," she was saying. The tone of her voice made it clear that, even if D.K. was the alpha, she still considered herself above the two of us- like, so high she was practically in orbit. "You better get yo lazy butts up and make him something!"

"Hold on," I said groggily, still coming to my senses. For a second, I couldn't figure out where I was. This wasn't my bedroom. It wasn't Majestic, either. Why was I surrounded by trash? "Give me a minute."

"Oh, I know you did not just say that," the woman said, and I could almost hear the finger wag in her voice. Her footsteps carried her away from our door, but I could still hear her clearly. "Honey boo, she said she ain't gonna make you no breakfast!"

"Wait, what?" I exclaimed, getting to my feet just as the door swung open hard enough to slam against the wall behind it. D.K. stormed into the room, and before I could react, I was on the floor again, my cheek stinging where his hand had struck me.

"Woman!" he shouted, towering over me, "I told you I wanted breakfast!"

I wanted to explain that I hadn't said that, that Kailey had lied to him, but I couldn't. Kimberly scooted away into the corner, cowering in fear. Luckily, D.K.'s attention was all on me. He squatted down and grabbed me by my hair, pulling me back to my feet again.

"I'm yo alpha, you hear?" he yelled, showering my face with spit. "If I tell you I want breakfast, you make me my freaking breakfast! You get yo lazy white butt up off the floor," he commanded me, "and you make me breakfast. Pancakes, eggs, and bacon. Got it?"

I hastily nodded me head, hot tears spilling down my cheeks.

"I take you into my house, and this is how you treat me," he grumbled, the worst of his anger already burned away. He turned and swaggered out of the room to where Kailey was waiting, and draped his arm possessively around her shoulders. Tyler was standing in the hallway too, impassively watching the scene unfold. D.K. gave me one last contemptuous glare, and then stalked away- but not before I caught the smug grin Kailey sent my way.

For a few seconds, I sat on the floor, gulping down frightened breaths, trying to keep myself from crying. The only reason I didn't break down right there was because Kimberly was still sitting in the corner, watching me. I had to stay strong for her. I had to...

D.K. still wants his pancakes!

That thought flashed across my mind, and in an instant I was on my feet, running through the house until I found the kitchen. More garbage crunched under my feet as I crossed the dusty linoleum floor to the fridge. In the other room, I could hear the Kailey cooing sweet gibberish to D.K., which he accepted with knowing "mmm-hmms."

Amber SilverbloodWhere stories live. Discover now