Chapter 1

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Sins of Acting

Chapter 1

Scene 5, Take 1

Krist hated actors like Singto Prachaya. Actually, from his point of view there was hardly anything more annoying than people like him. They were all arrogant and all-knowing; even the way they walked made Krist irritated as they marched around the shooting location with their all-mighty attitude as if owning the place. They had learned to take things easy, to get the roles they wanted and the money they needed without really doing much for it. There was always someone taking care of them and giving them the roles others craved for, making their job a lot easier than Krist's own was.

Still, Krist never said any of these aloud because he knew it would have lead to more difficulties and embarrassing questions about his past and career – things he didn't want to discuss about. His career as an AV actor was a sort of taboo for him, something he had decided to try out without giving it much thought – a mistake he kept repeating time after another for good pay. There were also many other things that happened beyond daylight's reach, jobs he never thought of complying to. Jobs he would certainly never talk about aloud.

Krist sighed as he thought about the upcoming day - the day he had to start acting with a man who was like a plague to him, or even worse than that. He couldn't believe his first big movie was to be with the kind of privileged person he hated most in the entire world.

And worst of all, they had to act like lovers.

Gay lovers.

Krist sighed, "Why on earth did I go to the audition...?"


Singto entered the shooting location a little late, wearing the same arrogant expression he always wore. The people around him greeted him happily, but he didn't acknowledge any of them - he was too nervous to notice anything else but the growing panic inside him.

Singto's steps were a little unsettled, as if he had lost the capacity to move them properly. Just when he was about to stumble into the dressing room he heard someone yelling for him in a delighted voice, the kind of excited tone he didn't want to hear at this hour in the morning.


Singto turned around to see Koki, standing in the corner with a big smile, Krist was beside him, eyes fixed on his own fingertips as if there was something extremely interesting about them.

Koki gestured Singto to join them. The latter gave a heavy sigh, frowning a little, but turned around and began walking towards the two men.

"I was just talking about the first scene with Krist," Koki said when Singto reached them. "He came up with many new ideas. Such a talented man..."

Singto heard the pulse hissing in his ears as the anger grew inside him. "Umm, okay, is there something I need to know?" he asked in a stern tone, throwing angry looks towards Krist as he spoke, but the other man didn't even bother to lift his head up to look at him.

"Not really," Koki replied hesitantly, sensing the tense atmosphere between his two main actors. It made him really worried about upcoming filming of intimate scenes between the two, but he went on without commenting on it. "It's mostly Krist's scene today, so you'll have some time to prepare yourself for the next one."

"Okay, I guess I'll be going then..." Singto said with a strained voice, giving one last look to Krist before fleeing. "See you soon."

When Krist heard Singto's steps receding into the distance he finally looked up from his own hands, fixing his eyes on the man's retreating back. Singto's steps were still a little unstable, and Krist couldn't help thinking what the reason for that was. Was it the same as his - nervousness, or perhaps something else?

"So, do you like Singto?" Koki asked suddenly as he saw the man staring at the other actor. "Do you think there's chemistry between you two?"

Krist remained silent for a moment, then gave his reply with a low voice. "It's hard to say just yet, but he sure is an..."

... asshole.

"... interesting person," Krist finished his sentence instead of revealing his real thoughts.

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