Chapter 2

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Sins of Acting

Chapter 2

The Acts of Seduction

The first thing Krist saw when he woke up was a piece of bare skin right in front of his eyes. For a while he just stared at the unexpected view, then lifted his head up a little to get a better view. As his eyes caught a glimpse of something related to the lower parts of a man's body he jumped out off the bed with a loud shout.


A naked man was lying on the futon, his hand hanging over the verge of the bed and the other one resting on his chest. His eyes were closed, but he wasn't asleep anymore; Krist's shout had dragged him out of his slumber.

"Just five more minutes..." the man mumbled and rolled to the other side of the bed.

"Singto?" Krist whispered, trying to recall the events from last night. "What are you doing in my room?"

The man snapped his eyes open. "W-what?"

"I asked why are you in my room," Krist repeated nervously, "Because I don't remember inviting you here."

Singto got up into a sitting position, yawning. He was finally awake enough to notice he was still naked and he quickly tried to cover his body with the closest piece of blanket available, glaring at Krist. "Uhm, this is my room, so I should be asking you that question."

"What are you talking about, do you think I don't recognize my ow- -" Krist fell in silence as he spotted an unfamiliar suitcase by the door. He blinked and let his eyes wander around the room and saw many other things that definitely weren't his; to his utter embarrassment Singto was telling the truth.

"But - what am I doing here?" Krist asked, feeling muddled. "Why...what?"

"You seem to have some sort of problem with controlling yourself when drinking," Singto snorted with a smirk, "Because last night when I came out from the shower you were here, mumbling something about how you love naked men...."

"I did what?" Krist asked wide-eyed, mortified.

"... And just before you passed out," Singto went on, unable to meet Krist's eyes, "You kissed me."

Krist froze. He felt his face burning, probably in a very bright shade of red as he kept staring at Singto in disbelief. The man had to be joking, because he would never do anything like that, not unless... Of course. Why didn't I realize it from the start? Krist thought, feeling frustrated. I was drunk, wasn't I? I drank because I was angry and upset last night...but why the hell did I have to drink so much?

Krist noticed that flashes from last night's events were slowly coming back to him - or at least one certain part of them, namely a very naked Singto in his arms. He swallowed hard, blushing even redder and squirming in discomfort.

Krist was not the kind of person to show his weaknesses to others, so after a while of muddled confusion, he took a deep breath and settled a calm expression on his face. Surely he could get away from the situation without embarrassing himself more, or that's what he kept telling himself.

"Well, I don't remember any of that, so I have nothing to apologize for," Krist finally said in the cold tone he always used around Singto, "If you'll excuse me, I have some urgent business to do."

"Wait - what?" Singto shouted in confusion and jumped out of the bed, not caring if he was naked or not. But it was too late, because Krist had already bolted from the door, running out and slamming the door shut behind him. 

Singto stood in the middle of the room, the anger inside him overwhelming all other feelings.


It was a beautiful day, one of the most beautiful ones in a long time. The sun was shining brightly in the clear sky, occasionally accompanied by the chirpy singing of birds or a light gust of warm wind. Singto was sitting outside the filming set, enjoying the warmth on his skin and sipping coffee in a relaxed frame of mind.

"Singto!" came a loud shout from behind Singto's shoulder, breaking the peaceful image around him. The man sighed and turned around to see what the matter was this time.


"The shooting is about to start now, so you need to come inside," one of the assistants said with a tinge of apology in her voice, bowing as she spoke. "Krist is ready, and we are waiting for you."

Singto rolled his eyes and stood up, annoyed at the thought of seeing Krist again. Every time they met each other, during shooting or in the free time the man said nothing to him unless he really had to. He hadn't yet apologized for his drunk behavior, didn't thank Singto for taking care of him that night, and most importantly, he didn't appreciate the fact that Singto hadn't told Koki about Krist's little drinking session.

The latest would change soon, though - he was just waiting for the right moment to come to talk to Koki.

Singto shambled into the cafeteria where the scene was to be shot. He wasn't very delighted to see Krist standing there, chatting with Koki and holding the script in his hand, paying no attention to Singto - as usual.

"Singto! Great, now we can start," Koki said happily and patted Singto on the back, then rushed away to give some last instructions to the cameraman. As he did so he also left Singto and Krist standing in awkward silence, avoiding each other's eyes and hoping to be anywhere else but in the current situation.

"Okay, are you ready?" Koki asked after he had ensured everything was okay. "Any questions?"

Both actors shook their heads.

"Right, then take your positions so we can start," Koki said, pointing at one of the tables.

The camera started rolling as the director shouted "Action!" and Singto tried his best to concentrate on acting warm and loving rather than glaring angrily at Krist, though the only thing he wanted to do at the moment was to punch the man's pretty face.

Krist, however, didn't seem to be bothered by the situation at all. From an outsider's point of view it would have looked like the man was a good friend of Singto's, judging from the warm expression on his face as he gazed at him.


Singto was startled from his thoughts and gave a surprised look to Koki. The director stared at him with an expression of frustration and anger on his face. "Singto, what are you doing?"


"You're supposed to be in love with the man sitting in front of you," Koki instructed in a reprimanding tone, "But you just look like there's a piece of shit on the other side of the table and you're trying to get rid of it."

Singto blushed hard. "I'm very sorry, Koki, I got distracted."

"Please put your true feelings aside so we can go on," Koki sighed, then nodded at the cameraman. "Let's try again."

This time Singto suppressed the hatred inside him and it took all of his willpower to do so. He settled a soft expression to his face and smiled, acted just like he was supposed to. He managed to keep the image to the very end of the scene but when Koki shouted "Cut" again, his gentle expression faded away.

"Great, I knew you could do it, Singto," Koki smiled and patted him on the shoulder. "And Kristn, I'm amazed. You were excellent as always."

Krist bowed humbly and Singto rolled his eyes behind the man's back.

Phony bastard.

"Okay, so let's go on, shall we?" Koki asked and gestured the crew to move outside. Both Krist and Singto frowned, confused.

"But I thought we're finished," Krist asked in confusion, "I haven't memorized any other lines."

"Me neither," Singto agreed, feeling disappointed about not being able to get rid of Krist just yet.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you?" Koki said surprised; Singto thought he heard a hint of amusement in the man's voice. "We're shooting the kissing scene today."

Singto blinked once, twice, then opened his mouth to say something, but couldn't form words after all. He gazed at Krist instead, hoping the latter would say something, that the man wouldp protest and prevent the scene from happening.

"There are only a couple of lines and I'm sure you've practiced them already," Koki went on as no one said anything, "Because we were supposed to shoot it tomorrow, right? Just take a quick look at the script, I'm sure it'll be just fine."

"Okay," Krist replied, not paying attention to Singto's hesitant glance. "Let's do it then. I have plans tonight, so I don't have much time."

Singto's jaw dropped. Wha - what's... WHAT?!

"Great!" Koki replied, smiling. "I thought it wouldn't be such a big deal for you since you are used to memorize script fast... Uhm, Singto, are you okay? You're quite pale."

Singto nodded feebly, then stuttered an answer. "I- I'm f-fine. R-really."

Shit. Stuttering like a girl.

"I think you should eat something," Koki said with a worried voice. "Or grab a cup of coffee at least, okay? I don't want you to pass out during the shooting."

"Y-yes." Singto leaned against the table with closed eyes, listening as Koki's steps disappeared from the cafeteria. It was quiet except for the noises coming from outside and Singto tried to collect his thoughts, to calm down, because for God's sake, his reaction was just ridiculous. He had kissed dozens of girls before, in front of the camera and also behind it - why should this be different in any way?

Because he's not a girl. And you have already kissed him before.

Singto was too deep in his thoughts to notice there was someone else still in the café with him, standing a couple of steps away and staring at him with curious eyes. Only after a pair of arms wrapped firmly around his waist, did he become aware of the other's presence and jumped in surprise.

"Tell me Singto," a rough voice whispered in his ear, "Why are you so tense? Are you afraid of me?"

"K-krist?" Singto snapped his eyes open.

"I thought you'd recognize me after what happened between us," the man chuckled, his nose nuzzling Singto's ear in an oddly comforting way. His hand roamed up to Singto's stomach, while the other was still resting on his waist, and then a couple of bold fingers made their way over the front of Singto's pants.

"W-what are you doing?" Singto squeaked in surprise. "Are you nuts?"

Krist's hand slipped under his shirt, and Singto took a shaky gasp as the cold fingers tickled his bare skin. He felt the man's body pressed tightly against his back, but he couldn't tell whether it felt bad or good. He was already too confused about the simple reality of Krist being so close to him.

"I just wanted to comfort you a little," Krist said in a low voice, his mouth still pressed against Singto's ear. "And tell you there's nothing to be afraid of."

Singto cursed himself from getting shivers from the man's breath tickling his skin.

"I-I'm not afraid!" the reply came out of Singto a little too quick and nervous to be believable. "Why would I be?"

"Whatever you say," Krist smirked, then loosened his grip and stepped back. Singto flinched as the warmth of the other one's body left him just as suddenly as it had enveloped him in its warmth.

"Come soon then," Krist said, gazing at Singto and his voice was back to the cold tone they used to address each other. "I don't have the whole day to wait because of your unprofessional behavior."

Then the man left the cafe with a loud slam of the door.

Singto gritted his teeth and glared after the man. Aside from the burning anger, he felt something else as well - puzzlement, or incoherence perhaps - he wasn't quite sure yet. But definitely confusion, that he was sure of. First the man whispers sweet things into his ear and the next moment he glares at him with fiery eyes and with an expression of full hatred...

"So this is Krist Perawat's way of playing around, huh?" Singto muttered to himself as he walked outside. "I accept the challenge - believe me, bastard, I can show you a couple of tricks as well..."

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