Chapter 6

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Sins of Acting

Chapter 6

"Chasing larger dreams"

"What - you two know each other?!" Singto gasped, looking from Krist to Tay, his best friend. "How? When? Where? Why?"

Krist seemed to have lost his capacity to speak so Tay answered for him. "The context we first met in isn't the most flattering one, to be honest, so...I'd rather not talk about it."


"See, while you were all rich and famous some of us had to actually struggle to survive," Tay said with quite a strained voice, "No money, no job, I had to sacrifice some of my principles."

All the color drained from Singto's face as his brain slowly processed a certain absurd - or rather completely impossible - idea; shuddering, he stole a glance at Krist who still wore an expression of pure, solid shock.

"Which means what exactly?" Singto asked hesitantly, not a hundred percent sure he wanted to hear the answer.

Tay looked at Krist with a slightly embarrassed expression but apparently couldn't open his mouth to explain. The confidence he had had awhile ago seemed to have faded away as quickly as it had appeared.

"Krist?" Singto turned to the other since Tay refused to answer. "Would you tell me what's going on?"

Krist shook his head and then, finally, spoke with a feeble voice. "Chasing larger dreams."

"Did I ask you to talk more nonsense, idiot?" Singto snapped, thoroughly sick of the situation. "I asked you to tell me what the hell is --"

"Chasing larger dreams," Krist repeated, this time in a slightly stronger voice. "It's the title of the movie we did together years back."

Singto's mouth was still hanging open after the unfinished sentence, and he raised an eyebrow in confusion as he glanced from Krist to Tay. "A movie?" He had no idea his best friend had starred in any movie. What the hell...

"Yes, Singto, a movie," Krist sighed, "The kind of movie that you hate me for."

"PORN?!" the word escaped Singto as a high-pitched scream and hit the walls, echoing in the studio so loudly that everyone within three kilometres had most likely heard it. "So you two fucked each other?!"

"Actually, Krist fucked me," Tay said with a faltering smile. "I didn't really do much."

Singto looked into Krist's eyes as if in search of a sign, a sign that would tell him that it was all just a big, fat joke without a single trace of truth. As he saw the slightly apologetic smile on the man's face, he gasped and slumped to his knees, burying his head in his hands as the waves of nausea hit him.

"Oh my fucking God!" he repeated continuously, trying to banish the shocking image of his best friend and co-worker (partner umm what are we exactly?) filming a rather questionable movie together. Half-fake, half-real, he knew how the most explicit scenes were filmed now and he did not like it one bit. No matter how hard he tried, the sinful, naked and heated image kept popping into his head like a bloodthirsty insect and he thought he saw red - out of shock, disgust, rage and...jealousy.

"Singto, uh, are you okay...?" Krist asked carefully and kneeled down beside Singto, placing a hand on the latter's back. "Do you need a glass of water or something?"

"This is exactly what I feared," Singto whispered with a kind of terrified tinge in his voice. "This is exactly what I feared..."

Krist glanced at Tay in search of help, but the latter just stared at Singto hesitantly, unable to do or say anything at all. He had feared he would lose his best friend over this, which was why Tay had never told Singto about it. But now that the truth was out and the moment was here, he felt like suffocating and regretting everything all over again.

Suddenly, the doors fell open and the rest of the cast swarmed into the studio, chattering happily as they took their positions; no one seemed to notice the intense scene between the three men standing in the middle of the shooting location.

Singto lifted his head up - this definitely wasn't what he needed right now. Struggling back up to his feet, he slapped Krist's hand away and marched to the director with slightly staggering steps.

"Koki," Singto called, "I'm not feeling very well. I'd like to take this day off."

Koki froze - and so did P'Jane who stood behind him - and slowly turned his gaze towards Singto's suddenly very pale face. "...Excuse me?"

"I need some rest," Singto said with a sigh, avoiding P'Jane's eyes (the man was glaring at him very dangerously from behind the director's back). "I'm not feeling well."

"If this is about the scene earlier, I'm sorry," Koki said, frowning. "I didn't mean to insult you-- "

"It has nothing to do with it," Singto replied quickly, finding it hard to keep his voice calm. "Just...please let me go."

For a brief moment everyone in the studio held their breaths, glancing from Koki's expressionless face to Singto's annoyed one. The silence that lingered in the air was definitely the most awkward one they had ever had during shooting.

Koki broke the thick silence with a long sigh. "Tomorrow, Singto, you'll be here with no excuses or I'll fire you."

"Thank you, Koki," Singto said and bowed his head a little. "I am deeply sorry to cause you trouble."

He turned around - careful not to look at the two men behind him - and stepped out of the studio, highly aware of the incredulous eyes that observed him. His head was filled with rather murderous thoughts towards Tay and Krist as he roamed through the corridors and into his room, making sure to lock the door before crashing onto the bed.

"Shit..." Singto murmured, banging the mattress with his fists. "Shit, shit, shiiit..."

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