Chapter 5

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Sins of Acting

Chapter 5

Full of Surprises

Singto stared at the crowded auditorium with pure fear in his eyes. The place was filled with reporters, journalists, cameras and recorders, all of them in there with only one purpose: to immortalize every movement, glance and word exchanged between him and Krist, and reveal their darkest secrets in exchange for a juicy gossip. It was crazy, how fast the rumors of them being a real-life couple had spread - every single magazine had their names written on bright colors in the cover, all repeating the same sentences and phrases over and over again.

"I assume everyone is here so we can start," Koki said, coughing before he continued. "First of all, I want to thank you all for coming here today. It is a great joy to receive such an enthusiastic acceptance..."

Singto listened to how the director talked and talked till it felt like he wouldn't stop at all. Koki was clearly stalling for time, to make sure the reporters could grill them for as little time as possible, and some of the attendants were clearly getting more frustrated by every passing minute. Luckily, Koki realized this and stopped his introduction; a short silence followed before the questions started flowing in, shouts louder than others.

"Singto Prachaya, how do you think this movie will affect your image?"

"It depends on the reception of the movie," Singto repeated almost automatically. He had been practicing different answers through the whole night with P'Jane. "Personally, I hope people will think of my quite unusual role choice as a brave step."

"Is it true that Johnny forced you into accepting the role?"

"No comment on that," Singto replied, trying to keep his voice calm. He peeked at P'Jane who was sitting beside him and was relieved to receive a feeble nod as a sign of approval.

"And how you do feel about doing a sex scene with a man?"

Singto bit his lip, fingering his collar nervously. "Well, for me it's just a role. With either a man or a woman, it's my job and I can't be picky."

"The next question is for Krist Perawat," one of the reporters informed loudly and stoop up, gazing at Krist with an expression that made Singto feel somewhat uncomfortable. He knew the man who was talking; it was exactly the same reporter that had tortured him countless times in many other press conferences, always prying at the most intimate topics.

"Yes?" Krist said lazily, not really paying attention to the reporter; he was more interested in the microphone before him, judging from the way he kept staring at it.

"Have you become friends with Singto Prachaya during the shooting?"

Krist raised an eyebrow, finally lifting his gaze up and glancing at Singto before saying, "Yes, I would say so."

Singto almost fell off of his chair as he heard the words, but managed to keep his balance, though he had to take support from the table to do so.

Wasn't it Krist who had turned him down? Who had rejected him?

And now he was saying they were friends?

However, the reporter showed a very happy face at the answer and, almost grinning, he continued, "The subject that probably interests the media most is the real relationship between you and Singto Prachaya..."

"I wonder, what do you mean by that?" Krist asked politely, though the annoyance could be easily heard in his voice.

"Are you in love with Singto Prachaya?"

A long, heavy silence followed the question as everyone held their breaths, awaiting for Krist's answer with their recorders and cameras ready, wearing an almost greedy expression. 

The moment seemed to prolong forever until Krist finally made a move, throwing Singto one final peek before opening his mouth. "I won't say there is nothing going on between us because that would be a lie," Krist said slowly and everyone in the room halted as if to internalize the words. "I'm not sure if I'm in love, but I definitely feel something for him."

Singto heard P'Jane gasp sharply beside him, as well as the whining-like sound Koki made a couple of seats from him. Saying that the cast was in shock would be an understatement, because everyone was literally freaking out. P'Jane kept ruffling his hair over and over again, cursing some incoherent swear-words quietly, apparently to himself; Koki looked as if something had hit him hard in the face, and the rest of the cast were just simply staring, completely muddled and wondering what would happen next and how they would be able to contain the hell that was about to be unleashed.

The reactions of reporters and other outsiders were completely different, though; it almost seemed like a bomb had exploded in the auditorium as the people shouted and flailed and pushed each other to get more space.

"Okay-okay everyone, let's calm down," Koki finally shouted over the noise, standing up to be better heard. "Our time here is limited, as you know, so--"

"Singto, how do you feel about Krist's comment?!?" someone shouted immediately, ignoring the director. "Do you agree with him?"

Singto stared at the reporter but said nothing.


"Singto," P'Jane hissed and poked the actor, trying to wipe the blank expression from the man's face. "Answer the question!"

Singto turned his head towards P'Jane and blinked a few times as if to process the words. There was absolutely nothing in his head, it was as blank as his face; all the thoughts seemed to have vanished from his head, leaving him with a fast, pounding-like noise he figured was his heartbeat. He could see the manager in front of him but he didn't understand that he was supposed to say something; he hadn't even heard the question, to be honest.

As Singto kept silent - still wearing the same stupefied expression - and so, P'Jane decided to take matters into his own hands.

"Singto prefers not to speak about his private life in public," P'Jane said quickly, glancing Singto as he spoke.

"But I only asked how he feels about Krist's comment, sir."

"It concerns Singto's private life, doesn't it?" P'Jane replied, trying to cut off the annoyance in his voice as he glared at the reporter. "Therefore he won't comment."


"That's the end of it. Next question, please."

If there were any more questions, Singto didn't hear them; his thoughts were completely blurry as if someone had tucked a couple of clouds into his head, replacing his capacity to think with soft cotton wool.

However, the thing that made him so confused and muddled wasn't the fact that Krist had said something like that in public or that all his friends would read it as well as his family; it was what Krist had said that made him feel like this.

Could Krist really feel something for me?

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