Chapter 8

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Sins of Acting

Chapter 8

"Morning, sunshine."

Krist blinked and opened his eyes. The room was filled with bright sunlight, so it must've been almost midday already. Groaning, he stretched his hands and turned over to meet Singto's eyes.


"Sorry I woke you up," Singto said, trailing a finger over Krist's lips. "It seems like I fell asleep before you did."

Krist nodded, a faint smile on his face. "Yeah, you did. I took a shower."

"Speaking of which..." Singto started, scratching his head, "I feel as if I've been rolling around in a pile of shit or something. Can I use your shower?"

"Sure," Krist smiled as Singto stumbled out of the bed. The other man looked simply gorgeous with his hair messed up, golden tanned skin shining under the sunlight and pillow creases on his cheek. It was as if he had transformed from a bad boy into a cute little child - and Krist couldn't help but stare at him with an endearing smile. He loved to see the softer side of Singto after passionate night together.

Krist yawned, squeezing his blanket. It was so warm to just lie there, relaxed, without a rush. For once he didn't have anything to do or anywhere to travel to; he had the whole day for himself - and for Singto, if the latter just wished for it. Since he had been so busy with figuring out a way to apologize to Singto, he hadn't had time to worry about money or work schedule... So he basically had nothing to do. He had been thinking about granting himself some quality time - keeping a few months off didn't sound like a bad idea at all, considering he had done nothing but work since he had moved out. He was also quite keen on the idea of spending some time with Singto, getting to know him better... Finding out what kind of things there were in his past, and what kind of person he really was; Krist craved to know what was hidden deep inside Singto's heart.

It was funny, in a way, how things had turned out. Wasn't it Singto who had first so desperately craved for him, and yet it was now Krist who did things with careful anxiousness to have the man by his side? He had never been this less collected in his entire life; the mask he had worn for so many years was slowly falling apart, shattering into pieces. Singto was getting closer and closer to his true self as days passed by.

Krist closed his eyes, a smile lingering on his lips. The sound of the falling water echoed from the bathroom along with Singto's quiet humming - the man was singing, though Krist couldn't catch the song.

It sounded cute anyway.



That was the first word that occurred in Singto's head as he stumbled out of the limo and met the enormous mass of people in front of the movie theater. Cameras flashed as the photographers pushed each other to get the best shot, journalists shouted their questions, fans screamed behind the fence - and Singto was so puzzled by all the glory around him that he forgot to move.

"Singto, Krist's limo has already arrived, would you please hurry?" P'Jane said urgently, poking Singto's back. "Just walk down the red carpet and smile, that's it!"

Singto swallowed and gave out a feeble smile, trying to maintain his balance as he skittered towards the main entrance. The hysteric screaming of the fans made him feel a bit smug, though he would've rather been somewhere far far away from them. He didn't quite know what to do or how to act with the spotlight on him like this. His smile faltered a bit as he saw a girl holding his picture high up in the air, screaming at the top of her lungs and pointing at him as if he was some sort of walking miracle.


Singto turned around to meet Krist's slightly amused eyes. It wasn't the amusement that annoyed Singto, it was the way Krist looked, so perfect in the middle of all that glory, as if he had been born with a golden crown in his head. He looked like a superstar.

"No, just a bit overwhelmed by all this fuss," Singto replied, his eyes narrowing as Krist waved at the group of girls behind the fence. "I don't enjoy all this...noise."

Krist grinned. "Sure... You seem to be at home in situations like this."

"Of course! I'm an actor after all."

"Then I'm sure you won't mind if I do this," Krist's grin widened, and he wrapped a careless arm around Singto's waist.

The people around them burst - that was the only word to describe the mess that followed Krist's gesture. It was as if someone had dropped a bomb in the middle of the crowd, or as if something else just as terrible had happened. Singto's eardrums seemed to have burst from the wild screams that erupted and his eyes widened in shock as two girls actually tried to climb over the fence, looking like they were possessed with their eyes sparkling like stars, as security guards grabbed them to keep them back. They were both foreigners and quite good looking, the kind of people you wouldn't expect to find at the premiere of a gay movie - one had beautiful, short and curly hair, and her eyes had a tinge of green in them, making them look quite fascinating; the other one - probably the former one's friend - had a bit over shoulder-length reddish hair, her eyes dark blue.

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