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3 years later

Krist had grown to love Singto more than anything else in the entire world. He even loved the stupid little things that would have made other people annoyed, like the way Singto always poured milk on the table while they were having breakfast, or how he parked his car in front of the mailbox so that the mailman would get irritated and throw their letters all over the front yard, or how Singto would always have the worst mood swings ever when he was stressed.

However, none of those things really mattered to him now that everything was so good that it almost seemed perfect.

He had moved in with Singto just a couple of months ago, right after he had finished filming his third movie called 'Just another disastrous life', a drama where he had played the main role as a young drug addict. Not only had his relationship with Singto taken a turn to a more serious direction, but also his career had changed significantly - the days of porn movies were over for good, and he was now doing something that he truly loved and that allowed him to use his full potential.

What more could he possibly have wished for? He had achieved so many things in so little time, and he was happy, truly grateful for all that he had been blessed with.

Life was perfect.


Singto sat at the table, his hands crossed over his chest. The night was darkening behind the window, lighting little stars to shine on the pitched-black sky and the dimly shining moon had cast its shadow over the dark yard. Its beauty was almost overwhelming, and yet... 

Singto felt nothing; beauty could not distract him anymore. He was numb with the emptiness that had been following him for the last couple of months.

Krist should have been at home but, as usual, he wasn't, though it was already eleven in the evening. It seemed that Krist did nothing but work; whether he was filming a movie or spending time at some fancy party, coming back home wasted and beaming like an idiot. Singto was invited to many of those parties too, but his filming schedule didn't allow him to party, given that he had to wake up around five every single morning.

Currently he was filming a drama that was supposed to air on the upcoming Thursday, meaning he still had a few days before the big day. He didn't value it much though, because he knew the drama wouldn't achieve much attention since everyone was so concentrated on Krist's upcoming medical drama that would come out on the very same week's Saturday.

Krist was the new shining celebrity while Singto was being pushed away from everyone's sight.

That wasn't the thing that bothered him, though; he was more than willing to settle down and forget all about the fake glory and fame. All he wanted was a normal life with the person he loved.

The change in Singto was unmistakable in the eyes of those who had known him from the very beginning. His selfishness, bad temper, greed and viciousness were gone and replaced by all the love he felt towards Krist, and all the possible kindness he wanted to do for the man's sake. But, seeing that Krist was gone most of the time, it was inevitable for Singto that he would either change back into the monster he had once been or drown in the agonizing misery that lurked those who had to live with constant negative experiences and feelings.

Krist had changed, too. He wasn't as arrogant as before and there was a whole new kind of light in his eyes, burning with a strong flame - happiness. That was the one thing that made it difficult for Singto to express his conflicting feelings - how could he possibly say that he was fed up with their current lifestyle and with the fact that Krist was always gone, when the latter was incredibly happy with it all?

The door slammed and Singto startled out of his thoughts, looking into the direction of the sound. Krist smiled happily at him from the doorway, his eyes blazing with unidentified excitement as he stepped inside and rushed to Singto, pecking the man's cheek softly.

"How was your day?" Singto tried to return Krist's cheerful smile but failed; the other man didn't seem to notice, though.

Krist wound his arms around Singto, giving out a sigh. "It was great! There was this guy who used to work with Koki and he seemed to be quite interested in casting me. He kept repeating how awesome I was in 'Sins of Acting'."

"That's great," Singto replied hollowly, gently pushing Krist away. "I was kind of waiting for you to return so seeing that you're back...I guess I'll go to sleep now."

Krist frowned. "Is everything okay, Singto?"

"Yeah yeah," Singto said, trying to put on a happy face. "Everything's great, I'm just really tired."

"Okay," Krist said, though he looked unconvinced. "Sweet dreams, baby, I'll come to bed soon, too."

Krist placed an unhurried kiss to Singto's lips and the latter gave out a feeble smile, muttering 'night', before almost literally crawling to their bedroom, his heart aching. 

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