21 minutes

476 44 6

"It was a joke. You don't need to look at me like that."

A joke.

A joke almost had me bursting with tears.
A joke.

I tried to muster up a smile and laugh it off.
Even though what you said hurt me, I chose to give you the benefit of the doubt. You must've been going through something too so I didn't hate you for it.
"So... what's up with the bruises?" I asked.

I was happy that you didn't immediately close off again. You didn't look angry. You just sighed.
"I'm not getting abused by my dad or anything." You scoffed.

"Then who were you beaten up by?"

"My own stupidity." You scoffed again.
I didn't get it. But I knew you weren't going to talk about it further so I let it go.

"We don't even know each others names but you want to know the most intimate parts of my life." You chuckled wryly, looking at me with expectation.

"...Y/N." I replied, hardly believing I'm actually telling you my name.

You blinked at me, surprised that I actually gave in and revealed a little bit more about me.

"... Kim Taehyung."
And I was surprised you told me yours.

"So Kim Taehyung... why are you always in here?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

I smiled and took a bite of cheesecake. Your wittiness was something I liked about you. One thing out of the many reasons I slowly fell for you.
"Well I'm here because it's close to the university I go to, so I get assignments done here."

You widened your eyes at that.
"You go to Daegu University? What are the odds of that."
And I swear I saw a small smile flash across your gorgeously plump lips.

"What year and Major?" I asked you, so excited.

"2nd year studying Art and design. You?"
My eyes glimmered at the fact we must be the same age.

"Natural sciences, 2nd year too."

"This must be fate." You grinned.
Unfortunate fate.

I was in awe of how ethereal you looked when you smiled, your lips formed a boxy shape, livening your entire face and I must admit, it made my heart flutter.

"Must be." I replied, with a stupid grin.
"But you didn't answer my question. Why are you here most days of the week?"

You pursed your lips and shrugged.
"I dunno... I like it here. It's not that busy and it's quiet."

I nodded at your vague reply, mentally agreeing with my first theory that this is your safe spot. A getaway from the hectic outside world.
I loved that you felt the same way as me.
I wanted to be a part of your world within these safe cafe walls... and your world outside it too.

As I took another bite of cheesecake, I saw you glance at me.
"Why do you get hurt easily over a few comments about food?"

My walls shot up.

"Why did you get beaten up?" I snapped with a glare.
I hated talking about my weight. Hated it.

I saw you contemplate, you were actually thinking about answering but you chose not to.
"Jeez, soft spot isn't it?"

Why did I ever find your company comforting? I don't know. But at that moment, I was content.
"Same goes for you." I shrugged back.
"How about this, you explain your bruises and I'll tell you about my issues."

You thought for a while. But just when I think you'll finally answer, your eyes darken and become unreadable.

"I got those bruises because I deserved them. I'm not a victim of society or of myself... like you." You hissed out. I could practically see the anger rising in you.
"You look at me with so much pity. For what? You know nothing about me. If anything, you're the pitiful one."

You didn't need to say it. I already knew I was pitiful. I'm pitiful, I'm so self conscious about how I look. I'm pitiful because I want to help others when I can't even help myself.
I'm pitiful because because I'm helping you because I couldn't help him.

With a nod, I stood up. I calmly pulled my bag strap over my shoulder and glanced at you.
You weren't looking my way, just staring out the window without a care in the world.
"Clean your mess off the table." You mumbled, motioning to my half eaten cheesecake and iced coffee.

Biting the inside of my cheek, I picked up my things and threw them in the trash near the door.
I blinked back the tears as I left.

Your words were like droplets of rain, pounding down on my mind and drowning me. I was suffocating in your judgement.

I actually decided to give up on you. The one right choice I made out of the plethora of bad ones.
But I couldn't. I really wanted to but I just couldn't... because the next night, I happened to find your battered body sprawled across the grimy floor of an alleyway near the cafe.

And I took you home.

Please star, comment and enjoy <3

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