2 minutes

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Two minutes left.
I wasted a whole minute thinking about that night. Over and over again.

I still can't wrap my head around it. Your cold gaze, the indifference in your face... I was breaking and you didn't care. You hurt me and you just didn't care.

Before I knew it, I was running. Feet pounding against the cobblestone pavement. I had no idea where I was heading but the fact that I was putting more distance between you and me, calmed me down slightly.

You betrayed me in such a carefree way. You built me up just to knock me down, over and over again. I was stupid enough to let you do that to me.

After running for awhile, I slowed down into a brisk walk. I feel like I was running a lot back then.
As I was lost in thought, walking to god knows where, my phone buzzed in my pocket, making me stop.
Hesitantly, I pulled it out.

Incoming call: Chimmy

I bit my bottom lip. Ignoring his call was what I wanted to do but, something made me do the opposite. Maybe it was the need to just talk to someone... anyhow, I chose to accept.

"Y/N?" He asked through the call. "Yoongi said he saw you at the party... I told you not to come... are you okay?"

"I should have listened to you..." I scoffed. I tried to sound normal, like I wasn't affected, but the crack in my voice gave my true feelings away.

I heard his breath hitch before a sigh.
"So you found out..?" He paused before sighing again.
"He's been doing that more than usual lately..."

"I was stupid to think he'd change..." and I couldn't hold it back any more, I let out a sob, soft at first but then it became louder.

"Y-Y/N, where are you?" I could here the panic in his voice.

I looked around.
"I... I don't know. I just started running..."

Jimin cursed under his breath.
"Are there any street signs? Anything familiar?"

"Yeah, I'm on Van street." I read.

"On my way. Stay there Y/N, I'll come quick."
Jimin then hung up and I was left alone.
I wanted to keep running but... at what cost? How long could I have run from you?

True to his word, I spotted Jimin only five minutes later. Once he saw me leaning against a brick wall, he sprinted towards me.

Without saying a word, he just wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled me into his chest. With a single touch, Jimin managed to lift my mood.
"I... I should have just told you. So you didn't have to see it." He mumbled.

I pulled away and shook my head.
"I needed to see Jimin... I wouldn't have believed you if you told me. Not after he... he told me how he felt..."

Jimin tilted his head.
"What do you mean?"

"Taehyung... a couple days ago, he said he liked me... he even kissed me. Then he vanished, stopped texting and calling..."
My eyes started to sting again and Jimin instinctively rubbed my shoulder.

"That douchebag." He spat.

"Am I... am I that gullible? Do I look that easy to fool?" I whispered.
Jimins eyes softened and he slowly cupped my cheeks, pulling my face in his direction.

"You just wanted to comfort someone... it's not your fault for being an amazing person Y/N."

When I didnt reply, Jimin reached down and held my hand in his.
"Come with me." He said with a small smile. I didn't reply and I didn't stop him from gently tugging me off down the road. I didn't know where Jimin was leading me, but I didn't care either.

He held my hand in his as we walked for what felt like forever until we came to a stop at a familiar place.
Jimin dug into his jean pocket with his free hand and pulled out a set of keys.

"Do you know what always lifted my spirits whenever I was down?" He asked, opening the door of the cafe I've grown to love and setting off the joyful jingle of bells.

"...well since we're here I'm guessing it's eating cake?" I laughed humourlessly.

Jimin scrunched his nose and chuckled.
"Well sort of... I would actually come here to make the cakes."

"You make them?! Yourself?" I gawked. "I thought you just helped you dad?"

Jimin nodded, letting go of my hand and rubbing the back of his neck coyly.
"My dad taught me awhile ago, so whenever he's busy, I would make the desserts for him."

"Jimin your cakes are wonderful." I gushed, making him grin.

"Thank you Y/N."

"So.... why exactly are we here now?"

Jimin smiled, calling me over to a door at the very back of the cafe.
"To make some cakes."

Intrigued, I followed him through the metal door and into a large kitchen with a wooden workbench in the middle.

My eyes scanned the glass cabinets and shelves full with ingredients and decorative confectionaries.
"This is so cool."

Jimin chuckled and placed a few items on the pantry. Some from the fridge, some from the shelves, almost habitually.

"You make cakes a lot huh?"

Jimin smiled and waved me over.
"This one especially."

When I went to stand next to him, I peered over to the ingredients he's collected.
"Biscuits... cream cheese...strawberries- wait we're making strawberry cheesecake?"

Jimin hummed a yes as he emptied out the tub of soft cheese into a mixing bowl.

"You... you don't have to do all of this for me. I'll be fine, give me a few days to cry it out." I laughed dryly but I found no humour in his eyes. He looked sad. No that isn't quite right, I could sense determination in those deep brown eyes.

"I told you before Y/N, you dont have to be alone in your dark days. I'll be here for you, always."

And true to his word, he cheered me up that dark night. When I felt like I was grasping desperately at an impossible fantasy of you and me, Jimin was the light that surrounded me. That warmed me. He brought me out of my own self-hate and loathing, and into the light with him.

But nothing could have prepared me for the plunge into the dark a few days later.
When I met you at your lowest.

Please star, comment and enjoy <3

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