10 minutes

332 37 7

10 minutes left until the train arrives.
Ironic because it took less than 10 minutes of your pleading to make me forgive you.

"Y/N..." you whispered my name for about the 17th time that day.
"You opened the door..."

Yes. I stupidly did.
I left the door open and moved to sit on my sofa. You shut the door behind you then went to sit beside me.

"Y-You... what did you say?" I sputtered, gazing at you confused and hopeful. I was a car engine breaking down.

You knitted your eyebrows together and looked towards the floor.
"I... I like you..."

My heart was beating unbelievably loud, I was worried you might hear it.

"...as a friend."

And then my heart froze. Stopped mid-race. Fell flat.

"Yeah. As a friend." You repeated, not meeting my gaze.
"You're a friend and I was only looking out for you."

After all of that banging, and begging, and crying... you gave me a half-assed apology. No, not even an apology. An excuse.

"That's it?" I scoffed.

You looked at me hurt.
"I told you I say things I don't mean. I'm sorry Y/N, I really am but... most of the women in my life leave... when I saw you getting close to Jimin, I thought you would leave too."

There were so many words I wanted to say. So many points I could have made.
It was only his jacket I was returning. Women leave you because you push them away. I wouldn't leave you unless you pushed me away...
so many things...
But all of that went out the window when I saw you break down.

Tears streamed down the sides of your cheeks and your lips quivered into a pout. Soon, you let out a strangled sob, dropping your head into your hands.
"I'm a shit person Y/N. I'm sorry, I-I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry."

I didn't realise my own tears as I slowly wrapped my arms around you, letting you nuzzle your face into my hair.
I gently stroked your back with one hand and the other found it's way into you hair, running through it soothingly.

"It's okay Taehyung. You're not a shit person, you're just misunderstood... we're okay." I whispered.
"I won't leave you."

A lie.

"I won't ever leave you."

I lied again.

But how was I to know that I eventually would.
How was I to know the heartbreak that was to come.

You completely subdued to me, digging your face deeper into my neck and wrapping your arms firmly around me. Your crying didn't simmer down for ages, but I didn't mind. I was comforting you, that was all that mattered.
Not my shattered self esteem or broken heart. None of that mattered.
Only you.

After what seemed like forever, you pulled away.
"Are we good again?" You asked, searching my eyes with yours.

I mustered up a thin smile and nodded.
And you smiled too. A boxy smile that patched up the wounds you inflicted.

"Thank you."

The next day, I didn't want to go to the café again. But at the same time, I really wanted to.
How was I going to face Jimin? What would he say?

Regardless of the knots in my stomach, I plucked up some courage and left my home with my laptop and wallet.

With a nervous intake of breath, I walked into the café and up to the counter.
"Y/N!" Jimin sighed in relief.
"Why didn't you pick up my calls or answer my texts?! Do you know how worried I was? After that son of a-"

"I'm sorry, my phone was off all night... I'm sorry I made you worry... um... did you eventually get your jacket back?"

Jimin frowned before he made his way around the till and in front of me.
In a flash, his arms were around me. With a hand, he gently pushed the back of my head to rest against his shoulder.
"I don't give a shit about my stupid jacket." He mumbled. "I care about you. Are you alright?"

I don't know what it is about those words... but just having someone ask me how I was... made me finally let out my feelings.
I quickly pulled away and blinked back the tears that were threatening to spill.

"I'm fine." I lied, but Jimin knew.

"You're not fine silly girl. What he said was hurtful and disgusting." He seethed, anger seeping into his features from the memory of the day before.

"It's alright. He and I made up... he's just not good at communicating." I shrugged with a forced laugh and smile.

Jimin pouted and places a hand on my shoulder.
"Don't sell yourself short Y/N. You're an amazing girl. Bad communication or not, no one has the right to say shit like that to you."

I smiled genuinely at that.
"Thank you Jimin... but he's just going through some stuff."

Jimin didn't look pleased but nodded anyway.
"Well he can sort out whatever far away from here."
He let out a 'hmph' and folded his arms.

"What do you mean?"

Jimin smirked evilly and stepped aside. "This..." he pointed to a small framed picture of you sitting next to the till.
"...Is what I mean."
Above his picture on the wood of the frame is

'Will not serve for: Kim Taehyung'

"That douchebag is banned from the store." He grins triumphantly.

Please star, comment and enjoy <3

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