19 minutes

401 55 7

[mentions of suicide]

I remember my mouth forming a solemn 'O' when I understood.

I realised you must've been beaten up by the boyfriends or husbands of the girls you hooked up with. But what I didn't understand was why.

So I simply asked you.

"Why what?"

"Why do you hook up with people already in a relationship."

You looked stoic, staring at my bare wall blankly.
I didn't expect you to answer. So I wasn't surprised when you just shrugged.

"I'm stupid." You replied casually.

I sighed and and rested my head on the back of my sofa.
"It's alright Kim Taehyung. Everyone's a little stupid."

You followed suit and laid back with me, wincing a little when your head made contact with the soft cushion behind you.
"So what's up with you? How do you know how to patch someone up so well?"

I was conflicted on wether or not I should let you past my defences... but you told me your demons, so I told you mine.

"M-my brother." I mumbled.
You shuffled and turned your head to look at me.

"Where... is he now?" You asked. I couldn't bare to turn and look at your inquisitive face. So I looked up at the ceiling.

"Passed away." I mumbled.
The memories of my older brother flashed before my eyes.
The happy boy who lifted my spirits... laying motionless in his bed holding an empty bottle of prescription pills.

"He never told me why. He never even left a note..."
I heard my voice start to crack so I stopped speaking.

Somehow, your hand found it's way onto mine. I didn't pull away.
"I hated him for leaving me all alone. But that's just part of grief." I mumbled.
"He used to get into a lot of fights. Stupid bloody fights. So when I saw you... I wanted to help you."
So you wouldn't end up like my brother.

"I'm sorry about your brother." You said, I could tell you meant it.

I nodded. "I'm sorry too."

"My... My mother cheated on my father when I was a kid." You whispered.
"My mother left and my father didn't want to take care of me... so my paternal grandmother looked after me."
This time, I turned to you.

"Maybe that's why I mess around with girls in relationships... to understand why my mother did what she did... wreck our family the way that she did."
You were silent. We were both just wallowing in our own pity for ourselves and each other.
It was healing but toxic at the same time.

"Thanks for telling me." I said, not sure how to comfort him other than to be a confidant.

"We're both pretty fucked up huh?" You laughed suddenly.

Your laugh was like a symphony, pulling me out of my dark thoughts and back to reality with you.

"You can stay the night." I whispered which made you snap your head towards me, eyebrows almost at your hairline.
I guess that sounded... suggestive.

"What?" You croaked.

"It's not like you can limp your way back home. You can stay on my couch for tonight."
Your rugged face broke out into a grin.

"Oh...Thanks Y/N."

Repeatedly, you made my heart flutter. I couldn't calm the beating of my heart, I was rather enjoying it.

I nodded and got up.
"Well, good night Taehyung."
You nodded at me too.


And with that, I left you to the comfort of my now blood-stained couch.

I wanted to let you go... I really did.
But finding you in that alleyway when you needed me the most, somehow confirmed in my mind that I needed to protect you. I needed to help you.
And maybe in return, you could help me too.
But that wasn't the case.

We did more damage than good.

The next morning, I was up bright and early.
I was happily surprised to find you sleeping on the couch the way I left you the night before. Honestly, I half expected you to have gone already.

Trying not to wake you up, I skirted around the couch weighted under you sleepy figure and into the kitchen.
Pancakes is always a good option for breakfast.

After making a few, I plated them along with chopped strawberries and chocolate spread.

Grabbing two forks and knives, I brought them to the breakfast table in the corner of the living room. Once the pancakes were placed, I walked over to you and squatted down.

Your face was getting better already, but the large striking bruises and defiant gash on your lip was clearly not going to go anytime soon.
However, it didn't take away from the beauty of your face.

I admired the small freckle on the top of your nose, the way one of your eyelids were double lidded, the gorgeously plump set of rosy lips... everything about you screamed perfection.
I squatted there for minutes admiring your beauty before eventually trying to wake you up.

"Taehyung." I whispered, patting your arm.

Your slightly swollen eyes fluttered open with some effort.

"Morning." I smiled, getting to my feet again.

"Is that pancakes I smell?"

"Yup, over here."
You eagerly made your way to the table and sat opposite me.

"Do you have any lectures today?" You asked, digging into the pancakes.
"Mmm" you grinned after taking a bite.

"Yeah, in an hour or so. What about you?"

You shook your head with a pout.
A pout.
The cute gesture looked so foreign on your face but adorable.

We spoke about a few things here and there but we mostly sat in silence.
Thats something I liked when we hung out. The comforting silence where neither of us felt pressured to say something. We just enjoyed each other's company.

After you ate, you got up.
"Thanks for breakfast Y/N."
And you started walking to the door.

"N-no problem. Bye."
And you were gone. Out the door.

I was left in my living room filled with a new uncomfortable silence.

The unsettling feeling of loneliness never left. Even in the buzzing lecture theatre, even in the crowded bus...
Not until the next morning, when I found you sitting at our table.

With two slices of cheesecake and an iced coffee.

This story isn't getting a lot of views but it's okay, I'm genuinely enjoying writing this so we'll see how it goes :)

Please star, comment and enjoy <3

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