1 minute

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This is it. The countdown to the end. The final curtain call. The last minute leading to the arrival of the train, dedicated to my final moments with you.

Even though I'm uncomfortable at parties, I think I'm the most uncomfortable at clubs. At least at parties there were friends of friends, an inkling of accountability.
But clubs were another story. A free-for all on the dance floor, laced drinks, and strangers from all walks of life, grinding on one an other.

The complete lack of personal space is almost poetic.

But there I was, in the middle of the dance floor. A limp piece of wood carried by the current generated by the sea of bodies.

"Come on Y/N, I invited you out today to have fun! Stop being so moody!" Clara whined. Before I could snap back that I was at least trying to have fun, a random man began kissing her neck and she melted into him.

"Ah Jackson!" She giggled, turning around in his embrace. She met his lips with hers and let out a few moans that made me recoil away from their public display of affection.
With an awkward few steps back, I went in search of Becky, hoping she'd be less occupied.

I shouldn't have.

I would've saved my already shredded heart the further gnawing.

Because I eventually found Becky.
Sitting at the bar, balancing on a stool against the body of somebody. Inches away from sliding off but too busy moving her lips against the guy to even care.

I scowled again and was about to turn away when the man practically inhaling her spoke.
"I'll make you forget your boyfriend when you're with me babe" He said almost groaning before diving straight back into their kiss.

That voice.
I recognised it.
It's the voice I've been trying to forget.

It was you.

I never expected to see you. You didn't even show up at the Café. Never texted, never called- not surprising.
But there you were, bruises -or love bites- trailed around your neck and jawline, kissing my friend as if she were some wild tonic in the rain.

"Oh there you are Y/N!" Clara called from behind me. "Lets go get a few shots."

At the sound of my name, you froze. You parted from Becky, back still turned from me but I could see the muscles in your jaw tense.

Slowly, you pivoted your head around to look over your shoulder. Our eyes met.
I felt light headed at the sight of your bruised face. You were still seeking comfort in wrecking the relationships of others.

"Hey Y/N!" Becky called obviously. "Yeah go get some shots with Clara, I'd join you but I'm a little busy." She giggled, despite having a boyfriend, despite not knowing how much the sight of them hurt me.

"L-let's go." I nodded at Clara. "I really need to get wasted now."
She beamed at me and cheered at my sudden shift in mood. I'm not usually one to get drunk but that night, I needed to forget seeing you.

I pried my eyes away from your frozen state and followed Clara to the bar. I didn't stop her from ordering multiple rounds of shots for me. I just tilted my head back and downed the bitter liquid, revelling in the burning sensation that followed.
It took my mind off you. It took my mind off of everything.

It would've worked if you hadn't shown up beside me, glaring at the glass of alcohol in my hands.
"What are you doing?" You barked, sending chills down my back.

I ignored you and kept drinking.
"Piss off." I spat between shots. I didnt need to look at you to know you were angry.

"Y/N." You said but I at the moment, I hated the way my name sounded from your mouth.

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