20 minutes

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Is 20 minutes enough to recall everything about you?
I don't know... but I need to.

That's all the time I have left to think about you.

Where was I?
Ah, the alleyway.
If my story with you was a Sonnet, then our chance meeting in the alley was the Volta.

I happened to take that route home today, even though the sky was growing dark. It was a shortcut.

With quickened steps, I scurried through the alley, afraid of what lurked in the shadows.

As I turned the corner I saw a strange figure, twisted on the floor.
I stopped walking and looked at the body from a distance.

Was it a passed out drunk? Was it a dead body?
A million questions raced through my mind as I walked hesitantly towards it...

It...It turned out to be you.
And my heart shattered.

Your eyes were swollen shut, your nose bleeding, I wasn't sure if it was broken.
You were roughed up, bruised and battered.

But why were you like this? I wondered.

Without giving it much thought, I rushed to your side.

"T-Taehyung?" I muttered.
"Taehyung?" A little louder.
When you didn't reply, I went cold with fear.

Slowly, I reached my hand out to you and gently poked your shoulder.

You finally moved a little, let out a weak whimper.
"Taehyung, it's Y/N, what happened?" I finally breathed, relieved you weren't dead.

"I-It hurts Y/N... it hurts."
I wasn't sure if you were referring to your physical state or emotional... but seeing tears trickle down your bloody cheek... it was probably both.

"I'm... I'm going to take you home and patch you up okay? But I need you to get up. Can you do that?"
You tried to open your eyes but all you could manage was a few millimetres.

"Y-yeah." You groaned with a hiss of pain.
I nodded as you sat up, wincing every now and then.
When you were upright, I slipped an arm across your lower back and let you put an arm around my shoulders.

With a huff, you stood up with my support.
I struggled walking you through the few streets to my house but I managed. I brought you home.

Lucky for you I rented the place alone. If I had a roommate, they would have probably kicked you out. I mean, who would want a mysterious stranger bleeding out on their couch?

After grabbing the first aid kit from the cabinet under my bathroom sink, I rushed to your side.
Your eyes were shut again, that worried me.

"Taehyung. Stay with me..." I mumbled, shaking you slightly to wake you up.
I heard you grumble a few incoherent words but you stirred awake nonetheless.

"Tell me where it hurts Taehyung." I asked you, opening the first aid kit.

When you didn't reply I sighed and repeated the question.

"My heart hurts."
You meekly mumbled.
I'd never seen a person so vulnerable.

"As much as I want to help you, my first aid kit doesn't work on emotions." I frown with a sad chuckle.
"How about I clean up your face and then we can work on the other stuff?"

You hesitantly nodded so I got to work. After getting a clean cloth, bowl of water and some ice, I returned to the living room and placed it down beside the first aid kit.

"This might hurt a bit." I said as I wet the cloth and brought it to your face.
You sucked in a breath when I dabbed at the open cuts with the cloth, swiping the crusted smears of blood away.

After your face, I got started on your knuckles.
I was uncertain wether or not the blood on your knuckles were entirely yours, but I didn't think much about it and wiped it down anyway.

After cleaning your wounds I spilled the bloodied water down the sink.

"This is definitely going to sting."
I bit my lip as I poured rubbing alcohol on a fresh cloth.

"Just do it. Let me know before you- OW!"

I ignored your yelp of pain and kept gently dabbing your wounds.

"Son of a b-"

"Shhh. I told you it was going to sting."

After disinfecting and bandaging your cuts, I wrapped up some ice cube and brought it to your eyes.

"You seem calm. Like you're used to stuff like this." You croaked out.
Well I was. I did this all the time... for him...

My brother.

When I didn't comment on your observation, you asked me something else.

"Why are you helping me?"
You asked, unaware of the fact that I helped you because I was so accustomed to stuff like that.

"Would you prefer it if I left you out there?"
I asked, removing the ice and sitting crossed legged on the floor beside my sofa.

"No... thank you Y/N."

"No problem... but can you tell me how you ended up like this?"

You were silent for a little while before you tried to sit up.
"Fine." You said as I helped you readjust your position.
I took a seat beside you on the couch and watched you clench and unclench your jaw. You were really going to tell me.

"I fucked up Y/N." You sighed, closing your eyes.

"I keep fucking up." You scoffed.
"Actually, a better way of putting it is that I keep fucking the unfuckables."

Too much swearing, not a lot of sense.
I didn't get what you were trying to say.

You glanced at my confused expression before sighing.

"I told you. I'm not the victim...."
You then averted your eyes and mumbled something that made me understand.

"I'm what some people may call a serial homewrecker."

Please star, comment and enjoy <3

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