chapter 3

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Everyone was freaked out becuase they wanted to win so bad so we called the place hoping to win and and all we heard was a robot reciver saying "im so sorry but you are our 4th caller." When we heard his evryone was so depressed. It felt like there was a eating competion we were so close to winning and tried so hard, then it was smashed by a big old stupid meatball that has no feelings for anyone or anything. IT FELT TERRIBLE!!!!!!!!!

*that night*

We all went to Riley's house and had a "huge" sleepover. we sat there ad googled a buch of magcon items and made pictures of their quotes,songs,vines, and more. As we were googling i found a place that said it was updated 5 minutes ago and it said " If you love magcon check out this site right now. Well most of you ladies and gentle man know the internet sensation magcon. right?. well how would you like it if you got 4 ickets for their upcoming concert for free. Yes FREEEEEE. Most of you think no way theres gonna be extra cost but no i mean these are absolutly free." All of us started freaking out and clicked on it then we sent a spot that we could meat the person at and they sent back "good ill have them there at noon tomorrow." We were all so happy that we were going to be able to go see magcon in concert in 5 days.

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