Safety Patrol Returns

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Greg: So a month later after predicting safety patrol it has finally returned and I think me and Rowley are definitely enjoying the fact that it has returned may I remind you that you get to skip algebra and get a free cup of hot chocolate and you can tell everyone what to do. I really love my job as safety patrol and I think Rowley does as well I just hope this lasts the whole school year due to the virus happening so we had to walk the kindergarteners home in our masks which wasn't a problem since we got free hot chocolate. Also there was a lot of cute girls apart of the team as well.

I just hope this virus goes away soon cause we gonna be stuck wearing masks for the rest of the school year. Which won't be very appealing at all. Oh btw Rodrick is more on my butt this year cause of this virus and we gotta do chores since we will be stuck in the house all day when we aren't in school.
The only time I can really escape from Rodrick is when he hangs out with his band which he decided to do today after arguing with me for an hour. Also did I tell you My Mom is actually a big fan of Rodrick's band but I think it's just to embarrass him.

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