GamerGirl {Hiro}

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Sorry I haven't updated, my phone was messing up. It wouldn't let me post on some of my books. But, here it is!
Anyway, Hiro x Reader requested by @ArtyPonie
You were on your bed, when your dad barges in the room. "What?"

"We're going to a bot-fight. Be down in five minutes." He slams your door, and walks down stairs.

"Whatever." You mumble to yourself.

You grabbed your robot, that was supposed to be for good purposes but your dad has other ideas, and walked downstairs and outside.

But by the time you got outside, your dad pulled off in the car. You huffed, and started to walk.

As you made it to the alley, Your dad come up behind you, and grabbed your arm. "My GamerGirl will be fighting for me."

You rolled your eyes at that nickname. GamerGirl. He gave it to you when you won your first Bot-Fight, and had called you that ever since. You hated the nickname. To him, it meant your ticket to money.

As you escape your thoughts, you sat down, and asked for challenges.

-timeskip because I can't explain all the bot fights-

Time flew by. You already won around 300$, when a boy, around your age, stepped up.

"Can I try?" He had brown eyes, and fluffy black hair. You actually thought he was kinda cute.

You smiled at him. "Sur-" you were interrupted by your dad putting a hand over your mouth.

"Ha! With that little robot?" Your dad laughed. The kid was holding a little black robot. the kid shrugged, and smiled nervously.

"You need money to fight, kid." The lady who was running the bot-fight said.

"Will this do?" He puts a stack of money on the tray, and looks at me.

I smile at him, and mouth 'good luck.'

You mouth 'thanks' back, which caused you to blush.

"Go!" The lady called.

Your bot crushed Hiro's in one move. You went to go reach for the money, but your dad grabbed your hand.

"Ow!" You yelped as he threw your hand back. He glared at you, then took the money.

"C-can I retry? That was my first fight?" Hiro pleaded. Your dad put 50$ on the tray, and walked behind you.

"Crush. Or you'll be punished." He said in your ear, for only you to hear. You gulped.

"Go!" The lady called again.

"Megabot, destroy." The boy smirked, and extended his controller. Your eyes widened, and you smiled.

"Nice." You mutter under your breath.

His bot defeats yours and you gulp. He collects the money, then starts to walk away.

"Get him!" Your dad yells.

"Wait, what?" You try to stand up, but your dad picks you up and shakes you.

"We lost, you idiot!" He throws you, and you land on the ground.

Your arm hurts, probably because it's broke, but you still get up.

"Yama!" Your dad, Yama, turns around.

Yes your dad is Yama. You never, ever call him dad. He hardly even acted like a dad, more like a boss.

"What?" He asks.

"Let him go!" You run and kick him in the face. You were so glad you took karate last year. you kick the guy holding the boy in the leg, and he and the other guy run away.

The crowd dispersed, not really interested anymore.

"Are you ok?" You ask the boy.

"I think the question is, are you ok?" He gestured to your hurt arm, and you blushed.

"I'm fine just need a little rest." You assure him. "What's your name?"

"Hiro. You?"

"(Y/N)." You smile.

"Well, (Y/N), we should get you to a hospital." Hiro smiles. You guys walked to the hospital, getting to now each other.

And maybe even developing crushes.
Should I do a part 2? Yay or nay?

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