Dont Tell {Fred}

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Hello. I am rushing because I have to go to bed soon -_-
Fred x Spy Reader requested by propwash_forever113
Oh, and if you guys enjoy it, tell me if I should do a Fanfiction on this...because I might.
If I did, who would read it?
It was a nice day-for everyone, but you.

Ok, here's the deal. Your a spy. You go to SFIT by day, and fight bad guys by night.

You were barely normal. The only normal thing about you, would probably be your boyfriend Fred. He was the mascot of SFIT, but was so awesome.

Right now, you were on your way to your FBI class. Yes, it was 3am, but you can't just walk into an abandoned building without people noticing.

As you arrived, you heard someone cry for help.

'Should I help them, or go to a class where they just teach my stuff I already know?' You thought. 'b it is.'

You ran down the sidewalk, following the sound of distress, as Baymax would call it.

You ran around the corner, where you saw a lady being mugged. You put on your mask, which you always keep with you, and snuck up behind the guy.

You kicked him in the head, and he passed out. "Loser..." You mumbled.

You gave the lady her stuff, and she ran iff, scared of you. You rolled your eyes, turned around, and started walking.

As you rounded a corner, someone armed into you, hard and with a lot of speed. "I'm sorry."

You recognized the voice immediately. It was your boyfriend Fred. You couldn't tell him you were a spy, or you'd have to kill him.

"It's ok." You said, making your voice higher.

"Come on! The criminal alert is coming from-" Hiro, who's hair you recongnized, since some was sticking out the bottom. He frowns, as he realized it was already token care of. "Never mind, then."

The gang turned around, but Fred turned back to you. "Do I know you?"

"Uh, no." You say, voice still higher than usual.

Fred suddenly takes of your mask, revealing your (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes.

"(Y/N)?!" He questions. You nervously laugh. He makes sure the team is ahead, and then looks at you. "Why are you here in the alley at...3:30am?!"

You sigh. You can't lie to Fred. You could try, but he always knows when you lie from him. you make sure no one can hear, then you say "I'm a spy."


"I work for the FBI. I couldn't tell you because they'd kill you, and-"

"That's so cool!" Fred smiles. Your eyes widen a little.

"Excuse me?" You ask.

"That your an agent! I wish you would've told me sooner!" Fred whispers.

"Freddie, you can't tell anyone, not even the gang." You say, as serious as you can be. He hesitates, but nods. "Good boy."

Fred chuckles, and gives you a kids on the cheek. "Love you."

"Love you too." You blush. "Hey, wanna come to my spy class? We can tell then you just came from a different sector!"

Fred nods violently, and holds you bridalstyle... But, since he's wearing the suit, it doesn't go well.

He just decides to hold your hands, so you guys walk down the road, hand in hand, to FBI class.

What's your favorite color?

What's your favorite book?

If you had to shows between Fred, Tadashi, it Hiro, who would you choose?


Q: If you could write your own One-Shot, who would it be with?
A: I think it would be with Fred, because he totally reminds me of myself.
Q: If you could have a pet, would it be Mochi or Baymax?
A: Definitely Baymax. He's so awesome, and I always get hurt, so that's a bonus.
Q: What if you go to SFIT? What would your invention be, and what would it do?
A: If I went to SFIT, my major would be robotics. I would build a time machine robot, that can brings you anywhere, and anytime you want.

Also, it would make me bacon (•-•)

Thanks for the questions, keep them coming.

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