I Feel Just Like I'm Part Of A Rom-Com Gone Wrong.

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Richie stared out the cab window. He looked at the unfamiliar buildings. New York City is a strange place. Richie never thought New York was as dramatic as they make it seem in movies. But, turns out the movies were right. You can see all the stereotypes. The busy businessman yelling at every person the bumps into him. The street entertainers just looking for a little extra money. People talking dramatically with their hands. It's New York alright.

The cab driver pulled into the corcle drive at the hospital. "$47.37." The cab driver said with a thick accent. Richie mentally groaned and slapped $50 in the man's hand. "Keep it."

Richie jumped out of the car and rushed his way into the hospital. The receptionist was suprised at how much of a hurry Richie was in. "Hi, uhm... I'm looking for Myra and Eddie Kaspbrak." The older lady nodded and pulled out a sheet of paper. "Sign here, they're in room 268." He frantically signed the paper and slid the sheet towards the girl. "Go down that hallway, take a right and they're in the first room to you're left." She said.

Richie practically ran towards Eddie's room. Richie frantically knocked on the door and heard shuffling.

"Rich." Eddie pulled Richie into a hug, "You're just in time. She's here." Richie gasped, "You had a girl." Eddie nodded and pulled Richie inside the bland hospital room.

Myra was holding a small baby in a light pink and white blanket. Myra looked exhausted, you can't blame her. Eddie kissed Myra's forehead and gently picked up the baby out of her arms. "Get some rest." Eddie walked towards Richie, "You know how to hold a baby, right?" Richie itched behind his neck, "No..." Eddie laughed a little, "I'll show you. Hold your arms out in a cradling motion." Richie did as told, "Here." He placed the small baby in Richie's arms, "That's all." Richie smiled down at the baby in his arms.

"What did you name her?" Eddie smiled at the question, "Beverly Marsh Kaspbrak." That's when Richie lost it. He stared down at the baby and felt hot tears stream down his face. "It suits her. She looks like a Beverly." Richie looked back down at the peaceful baby in his arms. "Say hi to uncle Richie Bev." Richie released a small laugh, "I can't believe it actually happened. You're a dad Eds." Richie felt more tears run down his face.

He was emotional for many reasons. He was crying happy tears because he's an uncle. He was crying happy tears because his best friend just had a baby. He was crying because the man he loved just had a baby.


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