Diagon Alley

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"Yeh already know about Diagon Alley, right, Jami?" Hagrid asked me the following morning as we walked through London.

"Yes, sir." I nodded. Harry was still giving me the cold shoulder from the night before and was ignoring me.

"You'll wait outside of Gringotts while we get some o' yeh money." Hagrid pulled Harry away towards the bank.

I shifted, receiving strange looks from witches and wizards who were hurrying by. I recognized some people from the movies and fought oncoming smiles. Soon, I spotted a platinum-blond haired head making it's way through the crowds to where I was standing. A hollow feeling filled my stomach and I froze.

"Hello." The boy said, looking at me with curiosity in his eyes.

"Hullo." I replied, scanning the crowd for Hagrid and Harry.

"Do I know you?" He asked.

"I wouldn't think so. I've only just arrived in Diagon Alley." I said rather annoyed. if you asked me.

"You look familiar." The boy said loudly. "I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy." He flashed me a grin. "And you are...?"

"James." I said quickly, not wanting to say my nickname. "James Potter."

Surprise flashed on his face at the name. "For a moment I thought you were a girl...I thought wrong then. Someone-said your name was Jami."

"It is." I said flatly. "James is my full name. And I am a girl."

"You don't look like one." Malfoy scrunched his nose as he looked me up and down.

"Puberty hasn't struck yet." I sneered and he scowled.

"Clearly." Malfoy strutted away but then stopped and turned back to look at me. "Best be careful, Potter. I don't want you to get into any trouble at school." He smirked. "'bye, dream girl." He sauntered away to my shock.

"Who was that?" Harry had appeared next to me, holding a bag of what I assumed was wizard money.

"A big git, that's who he was." I replied, relieved Harry had stopped ignoring me.

"We've got a while before we're due back at the Leaky Cauldron." Hagrid said. "Let's go get your wands and the remaining list."

Ollivanders' was my most favorite shop out of them all. And I swore when I stepped in, the owner himself gave me a double-take. I smirked, seeing all the racks of wands. In here was one perfect for me.

"Ah, yes. Mr. And Miss Potter. I knew you'd be here soon. It seems only yesterday that your own parents were here themselves. Right...Miss Potter, you go first." Ollivander handed me a box and I took out the wand inside of it.

Blackthorn. It reminded me of the Malfoys' wands. I swished it and something exploded. I winced and put that back in the box. "Nope." Ollivander sighed and handed me the next one. Birch. I waved this one and the lamp on top of the desk burst. I caused more accidents here than at the Dursleys. Box after box of used wands piled up onto the table, each one failing after the other one.

"Here...try this. 11 inches, mahogany. Dragonheart string. Pliable and excellent for transfiguration." Ollivander held out a box and I gently took the wand out, feeling a sudden warmth rush through my hand at the contact.

I waved it and a menagerie of animal spirits burst through. I could see a hazy stag, dog, and wolf bound around me before they disappeared. Harry let out a cheer. Hagrid whooped. And Ollivander stared at me with curiosity.

"Curiouser and curiouser." He frowned.

"Sir--what's curios?" I asked.

"It would seem that that wand has chosen you as if it sees a resemblance to your father....as it was his wand before. Only the wand chooses its' wizard. And in your case, identity. I pray you'll put that wand to good use?" Ollivander asked suddenly.

"You can count on me." I saluted and Ollivander chuckled.

Jami Evans and the Sorcerer's Stone - Year 1Where stories live. Discover now