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The next day, I found myself clutching my stomach as I walked down to the Great Hall for breakfast. Beside me, Fred and George were tsking in mock disappointment. 

"Shame on you, James, getting a stomachache the first day." Fred was holding back a laugh.

"I'm trying to compete with Dudley." I replied and the twins chortled. "He's a pig."

"Doesn't mean you gotta be one as well." Malfoy had joined us much to the twins' dislike.

"Oi, Malfoy. Can't you see we're talking here?" George glared at him. He ignored George.

"But now Theo--Theodore Nott, mind you, owes me twenty galleons." Malfoy said, smirking. "We bet twenty galleons if you'd get a stomachache the first day so thank you for that."

"Why is everyone placing bets on me?" I scowled. "I'm not Harry."

"No, you're not. You're better." Malfoy patted my shoulder. "See you in Defense Against the Dark Arts, dream girl." He slipped over to the Slytherin table where Theodore Nott handed him a bag of what I assumed was the twenty galleons.

"Dream girl?" Fred chortled. "What's that about?"

"Nothin." I said. It was true. I didn't like the fact that Malfoy knew about me before I had even mentioned those dreams to him.

I stared at the plate of food Ron had given me, not wanting to lift my fork to eat. He noticed, of course. 

"Everything all right, Jami? You look rather pale." Ron frowned. 

Hermione placed a hand on my forehead. "She's not burning up." She said. 

"I'm fine. Just not that hungry." I said, looking over at the teachers' table and saw Snape glaring at me. What was his problem? "I'm gonna go find first period." I stood up from the table and walked out. 

I walked through the doors of the first class--Charms. Nobody was there. I sat down at the back of the room, putting my head down on my arms and staring dejectedly into space. I didn't realize someone had come up behind me until I felt his arms wrap around me. 

"Everything okay, Evans?" My head jerked up and I turned to see my father smiling sadly at me. 

"Dad." I whispered and he nodded. 

"James Junior." James said in response and I laughed. "Why are you so down?" 

"I don't know." I said. "I don't know." 

"Let's see if I can help." He winked at me and disappeared  before the rest of the class came in. Harry gave me a concerned look and sat down next to me. I looked away and watched as Professor Flitwick came in. 

"Today, we are going to start on the Levitation spell. Repeat after me, Wingardium Leviosa!" He squeaked. 

Jami Evans and the Sorcerer's Stone - Year 1Where stories live. Discover now