Halloween Traditions

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In the next few months, I found myself getting more and more used to the halls of Hogwarts. My brother and his friend Ron often were found getting themselves in trouble. But despite all of that, I hadn't gotten into detention once since the one with Snape. Even the teachers had begun to look at me differently. Soon, it was almost Halloween.

"If I wasn't here, I'd be planning a costume for Halloween." I said one evening, leaning against the wall of the courtyard. Malfoy was sitting next to me, finishing up his essay about dark wizards.

"Muggles dress up for Halloween?" he said, "weird."

"Do you got any wizard traditions for Halloween, Malfoy?" I asked, peering at the blonde next to me.

"Instead of costumes, we do masquerades." He replied. "We all buy fancy masks and we go to a ball at one person's manor. The last one I went to, my father was a peacock."

I snorted, imagining Lucius Malfoy dressed up as one. "That must be really fun--a masquerade. I never went to one but I've seen them on the TVs."

Malfoy looked at me interested. "Well, Father does keep pestering me to find a date for once." he mumbled, his cheeks turning a faint red. "I don't suppose..." Draco stood up, his robes swishing around him. "James, would you like to be my date to our masquerade?" He asked, staring down at me with an unreadable expression although I swore his eyes were filled with hope when we locked eyes.

"Of course." I could feel blood rushing to my cheeks. I was probably as bright as Fred Weasley's hair.

Draco smiled, a real, bright smile. "I owe you." He glanced about.

I noticed my brother staring at me, his eyebrow raised. I shifted uncomfortably. "Hey, D-Draco?" I stuttered. "I just forgot--I need my DADA book--Quirrel asked us to read about vampires--it's in the Gryffindor tower. Bye." I hurried off, leaving Draco with a confused expression.

"What are you doing to me, Potter." He mumbled, watching me leave the courtyard.

I sighed, wondering what I should do before an idea hit me. Sirius. Surely he had escaped by now. I headed towards the tower and to my room, locking the door behind me. I found a spare piece of parchment and began to write.

Dear Padfoot,

Hi, it's been what, fourteen years since I last saw you? I mean, I was two and Harry was one. Excuse me, I'm bad at math. I'm James Remus Potter, aka Jami. Or, as you called me, J.J. Life's been pretty weird. We got accepted into Hogwarts, Harry and I. I can't say anything about the upcoming years-other than good luck. Hagrid told me you wanted to put your name as my guardian (not that I would've minded that. I wonder what my life would've been if it went that route. Stay safe, James.

I sent out Redwing, my red owl that had bonded with me almost instantly when I had saw her in the Magical Menagerie, and awaited for my godfather's response.

Jami Evans and the Sorcerer's Stone - Year 1Where stories live. Discover now