Hogwarts, At Last!

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"Are you sure you're okay?" Neville Longbottom, a first year who had stayed with us, whispered again to me.

"I'm fine, Nev. See, not a single scratch on me." I smiled, warmed by his concern.

Neville sighed but continued to stick to my side when we walked into the Great Hall. The other first years had already been sorted so it was just us who remained.

"Finally." I breathed. "Hogwarts, at last!"

"When I call out your name, you will come and sit on the stool and allow me to place the Sorting Hat on your head. LeMay, Morgan!" McGonagall told us.

A green-haired girl slipped out of the small crowd and sat down on the stool. I could tell she was nervous by the way her hands shook. The hat was set upon her head.

"RAVENCLAW!" It shouted out and a table in blue cheered.

"Freeman, Peter!"

A boy with small, beady eyes that reminded me of Pig came out next and the minute the hat touched his head, it shouted "SLYTHERIN!" A table in green cheered now.

Malfoy went next. He was also sorted into Slytherin and I could see his smile from here. Then, it was Hermione's turn. She was sorted into Gryffindor as well as Ron.

"Potter, James!" I swore McGonagall's eyes went wide when I came forward and I heard under her breath, "History always repeats itself, doesn't it."

I swaggered up to the stool and plopped down. I smirked, feeling the confidence radiating off of me. The hat barely touched my head before it shrieked out, "GRYFFINDOR!"

I sauntered over to where Ron and Hermione sat and gave Ron a high-five.

"Brilliant." Ron whispered. "I wasn't surprised, mind you. Did you see McGonagall's face when she read your name?"

"I only heard her say 'History always repeats itself, doesn't it.' " I shrugged and looked over at the Slytherin table. Malfoy gave me a thumbs up and smirked, mouthing the words 'Well done, Potter'. I merely ran a hand through my hair and stretched. Soon after, Harry joined us.

After Dumbledore gave his speech, I watched the food materialize on the table. My mouth watered. Ron watched in amazement as I shoveled down mouthful after mouthful.

"Slow down, James. Or else you'll get a stomachache." Fred Weasley said on my other side, grinning as he watched me.

"Oh shove off." I only said and pushed in another mouthful of potatoes. Fred sniggered.

"Look at Snape!" Harry nudged me and I looked over at the greasy-haired monkey who was staring blackly at me and Harry. I raised an eyebrow at the teacher.

"What's his deal?" I asked, swallowing the potatoes. But I already knew why he was glaring at us. I looked, acted and talked too much like his school bully. After all, I was James' daughter.

"By the way, the password for the Gryffindor common room is Caput Draconis." Percy Weasley said, giving me a look when I tried to take one of his bread rolls. "James, you already had three of mine and the entire bread basket. Not to mention you stole two off of Harry's. I'm surprised you aren't sick yet."

"It's bread Perce." I stuffed one of Ron's bread rolls in my mouth. "It's easy to digest."

He sighed, shaking his head. Harry was giving me a questioning look.

"What?" I asked, finally halting my eating.

"You were just called James two times. You're finally taking on Dad's name?" He asked.

"Yeah, why not? And I'll bet you ten galleons that it will annoy Snape more." I grinned.

"Deal." We shook on it.

Jami Evans and the Sorcerer's Stone - Year 1Where stories live. Discover now